Source code for kfp.dsl.types.artifact_types

# Copyright 2021 The Kubeflow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Classes and utilities for using and creating artifacts in components."""

import os
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Type
import warnings


S3_REMOTE_PREFIX = 's3://'

[docs]class Artifact: """Represents a generic machine learning artifact. This class and all artifact classes store the name, uri, and metadata for a machine learning artifact. Use this artifact type when an artifact does not fit into another more specific artifact type (e.g., ``Model``, ``Dataset``). Args: name: Name of the artifact. uri: The artifact's location on disk or cloud storage. metadata: Arbitrary key-value pairs about the artifact. Example: :: from kfp import dsl from kfp.dsl import Output, Artifact, Input @dsl.component def create_artifact( data: str, output_artifact: Output[Artifact], ): with open(output_artifact.path, 'w') as f: f.write(data) @dsl.component def use_artifact(input_artifact: Input[Artifact]): with open(input_artifact.path) as input_file: artifact_contents = print(artifact_contents) @dsl.pipeline(name='my-pipeline', pipeline_root='gs://my/storage') def my_pipeline(): create_task = create_artifact(data='my data') use_artifact(input_artifact=create_task.outputs['output_artifact']) Note: Other artifacts are used similarly to the usage of ``Artifact`` in the example above (within ``Input[]`` and ``Output[]``). """ schema_title = 'system.Artifact' schema_version = '0.0.1' def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, uri: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None: """Initializes the Artifact with the given name, URI and metadata.""" self.uri = uri or '' = name or '' self.metadata = metadata or {} @property def path(self) -> str: return self._get_path() @path.setter def path(self, path: str) -> None: self._set_path(path) def _get_path(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.uri.startswith(GCS_REMOTE_PREFIX): return _GCS_LOCAL_MOUNT_PREFIX + self.uri[len(GCS_REMOTE_PREFIX):] elif self.uri.startswith(MINIO_REMOTE_PREFIX): return _MINIO_LOCAL_MOUNT_PREFIX + self.uri[len(MINIO_REMOTE_PREFIX ):] elif self.uri.startswith(S3_REMOTE_PREFIX): return _S3_LOCAL_MOUNT_PREFIX + self.uri[len(S3_REMOTE_PREFIX):] # uri == path for local execution return self.uri def _set_path(self, path: str) -> None: self.uri = convert_local_path_to_remote_path(path)
def convert_local_path_to_remote_path(path: str) -> str: if path.startswith(_GCS_LOCAL_MOUNT_PREFIX): return GCS_REMOTE_PREFIX + path[len(_GCS_LOCAL_MOUNT_PREFIX):] elif path.startswith(_MINIO_LOCAL_MOUNT_PREFIX): return MINIO_REMOTE_PREFIX + path[len(_MINIO_LOCAL_MOUNT_PREFIX):] elif path.startswith(_S3_LOCAL_MOUNT_PREFIX): return S3_REMOTE_PREFIX + path[len(_S3_LOCAL_MOUNT_PREFIX):] return path
[docs]class Model(Artifact): """An artifact representing a machine learning model. Args: name: Name of the model. uri: The model's location on disk or cloud storage. metadata: Arbitrary key-value pairs about the model. """ schema_title = 'system.Model' @property def framework(self) -> str: return self._get_framework() def _get_framework(self) -> str: return self.metadata.get('framework', '') @framework.setter def framework(self, framework: str) -> None: self._set_framework(framework) def _set_framework(self, framework: str) -> None: self.metadata['framework'] = framework
[docs]class Dataset(Artifact): """An artifact representing a machine learning dataset. Args: name: Name of the dataset. uri: The dataset's location on disk or cloud storage. metadata: Arbitrary key-value pairs about the dataset. """ schema_title = 'system.Dataset'
[docs]class Metrics(Artifact): """An artifact for storing key-value scalar metrics. Args: name: Name of the metrics artifact. uri: The metrics artifact's location on disk or cloud storage. metadata: Key-value scalar metrics. """ schema_title = 'system.Metrics'
[docs] def log_metric(self, metric: str, value: float) -> None: """Sets a custom scalar metric in the artifact's metadata. Args: metric: The metric key. value: The metric value. """ self.metadata[metric] = value
[docs]class ClassificationMetrics(Artifact): """An artifact for storing classification metrics. Args: name: Name of the metrics artifact. uri: The metrics artifact's location on disk or cloud storage. metadata: The key-value scalar metrics. """ schema_title = 'system.ClassificationMetrics'
[docs] def log_roc_data_point(self, fpr: float, tpr: float, threshold: float) -> None: """Logs a single data point in the ROC curve to metadata. Args: fpr: False positive rate value of the data point. tpr: True positive rate value of the data point. threshold: Threshold value for the data point. """ roc_reading = { 'confidenceThreshold': threshold, 'recall': tpr, 'falsePositiveRate': fpr } if 'confidenceMetrics' not in self.metadata.keys(): self.metadata['confidenceMetrics'] = [] self.metadata['confidenceMetrics'].append(roc_reading)
[docs] def log_roc_curve(self, fpr: List[float], tpr: List[float], threshold: List[float]) -> None: """Logs an ROC curve to metadata. Args: fpr: List of false positive rate values. tpr: List of true positive rate values. threshold: List of threshold values. Raises: ValueError: If the lists ``fpr``, ``tpr`` and ``threshold`` are not the same length. """ if len(fpr) != len(tpr) or len(fpr) != len(threshold) or len( tpr) != len(threshold): raise ValueError( f'Length of fpr, tpr and threshold must be the same. Got lengths {len(fpr)}, {len(tpr)} and {len(threshold)} respectively.' ) for i in range(len(fpr)): self.log_roc_data_point( fpr=fpr[i], tpr=tpr[i], threshold=threshold[i])
[docs] def set_confusion_matrix_categories(self, categories: List[str]) -> None: """Stores confusion matrix categories to metadata. Args: categories: List of strings specifying the categories. """ self._categories = [] annotation_specs = [] for category in categories: annotation_spec = {'displayName': category} self._categories.append(category) annotation_specs.append(annotation_spec) self._matrix = [] for row in range(len(self._categories)): self._matrix.append({'row': [0] * len(self._categories)}) self._confusion_matrix = { 'annotationSpecs': annotation_specs, 'rows': self._matrix } self.metadata['confusionMatrix'] = self._confusion_matrix
[docs] def log_confusion_matrix_row(self, row_category: str, row: List[float]) -> None: """Logs a confusion matrix row to metadata. Args: row_category: Category to which the row belongs. row: List of integers specifying the values for the row. Raises: ValueError: If ``row_category`` is not in the list of categories set in ``set_categories`` call. """ if row_category not in self._categories: raise ValueError( f'Invalid category: {row_category} passed. Expected one of: {self._categories}' ) if len(row) != len(self._categories): raise ValueError( f'Invalid row. Expected size: {len(self._categories)} got: {len(row)}' ) self._matrix[self._categories.index(row_category)] = {'row': row} self.metadata['confusionMatrix'] = self._confusion_matrix
[docs] def log_confusion_matrix_cell(self, row_category: str, col_category: str, value: int) -> None: """Logs a cell in the confusion matrix to metadata. Args: row_category: String representing the name of the row category. col_category: String representing the name of the column category. value: Value of the cell. Raises: ValueError: If ``row_category`` or ``col_category`` is not in the list of categories set in ``set_categories``. """ if row_category not in self._categories: raise ValueError( f'Invalid category: {row_category} passed. Expected one of: {self._categories}' ) if col_category not in self._categories: raise ValueError( f'Invalid category: {row_category} passed. Expected one of: {self._categories}' ) self._matrix[self._categories.index(row_category)]['row'][ self._categories.index(col_category)] = value self.metadata['confusionMatrix'] = self._confusion_matrix
[docs] def log_confusion_matrix(self, categories: List[str], matrix: List[List[int]]) -> None: """Logs a confusion matrix to metadata. Args: categories: List of the category names. matrix: Complete confusion matrix. Raises: ValueError: If the length of ``categories`` does not match number of rows or columns of ``matrix``. """ self.set_confusion_matrix_categories(categories) if len(matrix) != len(categories): raise ValueError( f'Invalid matrix: {matrix} passed for categories: {categories}') for index in range(len(categories)): if len(matrix[index]) != len(categories): raise ValueError( f'Invalid matrix: {matrix} passed for categories: {categories}' ) self.log_confusion_matrix_row(categories[index], matrix[index]) self.metadata['confusionMatrix'] = self._confusion_matrix
[docs]class SlicedClassificationMetrics(Artifact): """An artifact for storing sliced classification metrics. Similar to ``ClassificationMetrics``, tasks using this class are expected to use log methods of the class to log metrics with the difference being each log method takes a slice to associate the ``ClassificationMetrics``. Args: name: Name of the metrics artifact. uri: The metrics artifact's location on disk or cloud storage. metadata: Arbitrary key-value pairs about the metrics artifact. """ schema_title = 'system.SlicedClassificationMetrics' def _upsert_classification_metrics_for_slice(self, slice: str) -> None: """Upserts the classification metrics instance for a slice.""" if slice not in self._sliced_metrics: self._sliced_metrics[slice] = ClassificationMetrics() def _update_metadata(self, slice: str) -> None: """Updates metadata to adhere to the metrics schema.""" self.metadata = {'evaluationSlices': []} for slice in self._sliced_metrics.keys(): slice_metrics = { 'slice': slice, 'sliceClassificationMetrics': self._sliced_metrics[slice].metadata } self.metadata['evaluationSlices'].append(slice_metrics)
[docs] def log_roc_reading(self, slice: str, threshold: float, tpr: float, fpr: float) -> None: """Logs a single data point in the ROC curve of a slice to metadata. Args: slice: String representing slice label. threshold: Thresold value for the data point. tpr: True positive rate value of the data point. fpr: False positive rate value of the data point. """ self._upsert_classification_metrics_for_slice(slice) self._sliced_metrics[slice].log_roc_reading(threshold, tpr, fpr) self._update_metadata(slice)
[docs] def load_roc_readings(self, slice: str, readings: List[List[float]]) -> None: """Bulk loads ROC curve readings for a slice. Args: slice: String representing slice label. readings: A 2-dimensional list providing ROC curve data points. The expected order of the data points is: threshold, true positive rate, false positive rate. """ self._upsert_classification_metrics_for_slice(slice) self._sliced_metrics[slice].load_roc_readings(readings) self._update_metadata(slice)
[docs] def set_confusion_matrix_categories(self, slice: str, categories: List[str]) -> None: """Logs confusion matrix categories for a slice to metadata. Categories are stored in the internal ``metrics_utils.ConfusionMatrix`` instance of the slice. Args: slice: String representing slice label. categories: List of strings specifying the categories. """ self._upsert_classification_metrics_for_slice(slice) self._sliced_metrics[slice].set_confusion_matrix_categories(categories) self._update_metadata(slice)
[docs] def log_confusion_matrix_row(self, slice: str, row_category: str, row: List[int]) -> None: """Logs a confusion matrix row for a slice to metadata. Row is updated on the internal ``metrics_utils.ConfusionMatrix`` instance of the slice. Args: slice: String representing slice label. row_category: Category to which the row belongs. row: List of integers specifying the values for the row. """ self._upsert_classification_metrics_for_slice(slice) self._sliced_metrics[slice].log_confusion_matrix_row(row_category, row) self._update_metadata(slice)
[docs] def log_confusion_matrix_cell(self, slice: str, row_category: str, col_category: str, value: int) -> None: """Logs a confusion matrix cell for a slice to metadata. Cell is updated on the internal ``metrics_utils.ConfusionMatrix`` instance of the slice. Args: slice: String representing slice label. row_category: String representing the name of the row category. col_category: String representing the name of the column category. value: Value of the cell. """ self._upsert_classification_metrics_for_slice(slice) self._sliced_metrics[slice].log_confusion_matrix_cell( row_category, col_category, value) self._update_metadata(slice)
[docs] def load_confusion_matrix(self, slice: str, categories: List[str], matrix: List[List[int]]) -> None: """Bulk loads the whole confusion matrix for a slice. Args: slice: String representing slice label. categories: List of the category names. matrix: Complete confusion matrix. """ self._upsert_classification_metrics_for_slice(slice) self._sliced_metrics[slice].log_confusion_matrix_cell( categories, matrix) self._update_metadata(slice)
[docs]class HTML(Artifact): """An artifact representing an HTML file. Args: name: Name of the HTML file. uri: The HTML file's location on disk or cloud storage. metadata: Arbitrary key-value pairs about the HTML file. """ schema_title = 'system.HTML'
[docs]class Markdown(Artifact): """An artifact representing a markdown file. Args: name: Name of the markdown file. uri: The markdown file's location on disk or cloud storage. metadata: Arbitrary key-value pairs about the markdown file. """ schema_title = 'system.Markdown'
_SCHEMA_TITLE_TO_TYPE: Dict[str, Type[Artifact]] = { x.schema_title: x for x in [ Artifact, Model, Dataset, Metrics, ClassificationMetrics, SlicedClassificationMetrics, HTML, Markdown, ] } CONTAINER_TASK_ROOT: Optional[str] = None # suffix default of 'Output' should be the same key as the default key for a # single output component, but use value not variable for reference docs
[docs]def get_uri(suffix: str = 'Output') -> str: """Gets the task root URI, a unique object storage URI associated with the current task. This function may only be called at task runtime. Returns an empty string if the task root cannot be inferred from the runtime environment. Args: suffix: A suffix to append to the URI. This is a helpful for creating unique subdirectories when the component has multiple outputs. Returns: The URI or empty string. """ if CONTAINER_TASK_ROOT is None: raise RuntimeError( f"'dsl.{get_uri.__name__}' can only be called at task runtime. The task root is unknown in the current environment." ) UNSUPPORTED_KFP_PATH = '/tmp/kfp_outputs' if CONTAINER_TASK_ROOT == UNSUPPORTED_KFP_PATH: warnings.warn( f'dsl.{get_uri.__name__} is not yet supported by the KFP backend. Please specify a URI explicitly.', RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # return empty string, not None, to conform with logic in artifact # constructor which immediately converts uri=None to uri='' # this way the .path property can worry about handling fewer input types return '' remote_task_root = convert_local_path_to_remote_path(CONTAINER_TASK_ROOT) return os.path.join(remote_task_root, suffix)