# Copyright 2021 The Kubeflow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Classes for input/output type annotations in KFP SDK.
These are only compatible with v2 Pipelines.
import re
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union
from kfp.dsl.types import artifact_types
from kfp.dsl.types import type_annotations
from kfp.dsl.types import type_utils
[docs]class OutputPath:
"""Type annotation used in component definitions for indicating a parameter
is a path to an output. The path parameter typed with this annotation can
be treated as a locally accessible filepath within the component body.
The argument typed with this annotation is provided at runtime by the executing backend and does not need to be passed as an input by the pipeline author (see example).
type: The type of the value written to the output path.
def create_parameter(
message: str,
output_parameter_path: OutputPath(str),
with open(output_parameter_path, 'w') as f:
def consume_parameter(message: str):
@dsl.pipeline(name='my-pipeline', pipeline_root='gs://my-bucket')
def my_pipeline(message: str = 'default message'):
create_param_op = create_parameter(message=message)
def __init__(self, type=None):
self.type = construct_type_for_inputpath_or_outputpath(type)
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, OutputPath) and self.type == other.type
def construct_type_for_inputpath_or_outputpath(
type_: Union[str, Type, None]) -> Optional[str]:
if type_annotations.is_artifact_class(type_):
return type_utils.create_bundled_artifact_type(type_.schema_title,
elif isinstance(
str) and type_.lower() in type_utils.ARTIFACT_CLASSES_MAPPING:
# v1 artifact backward compat, e.g. dsl.OutputPath('Dataset')
return type_utils.create_bundled_artifact_type(
elif type_utils.get_parameter_type(type_):
return type_
# v1 unknown type dsl.OutputPath('MyCustomType')
return type_utils.create_bundled_artifact_type(
class InputAnnotation:
"""Marker type for input artifacts."""
class OutputAnnotation:
"""Marker type for output artifacts."""
def is_Input_Output_artifact_annotation(typ) -> bool:
if not hasattr(typ, '__metadata__'):
return False
if typ.__metadata__[0] not in [InputAnnotation, OutputAnnotation]:
return False
return True
def is_artifact_wrapped_in_Input(typ: Any) -> bool:
"""Returns True if typ is of type Input[T]."""
if not is_Input_Output_artifact_annotation(typ):
return False
return typ.__metadata__[0] == InputAnnotation
def is_artifact_wrapped_in_Output(typ: Any) -> bool:
"""Returns True if typ is of type Output[T]."""
if not is_Input_Output_artifact_annotation(typ):
return False
return typ.__metadata__[0] == OutputAnnotation
def get_io_artifact_class(typ):
from kfp.dsl import Input
from kfp.dsl import Output
if not is_Input_Output_artifact_annotation(typ):
return None
if typ == Input or typ == Output:
return None
# extract inner type from list of artifacts
inner = strip_Input_or_Output_marker(typ)
if hasattr(inner, '__origin__') and inner.__origin__ == list:
return inner.__args__[0]
return inner
def strip_Input_or_Output_marker(typ: Any) -> artifact_types.Artifact:
return typ.__args__[0]
def get_input_or_output_marker(
typ) -> Optional[Union[InputAnnotation, OutputAnnotation]]:
if not is_Input_Output_artifact_annotation(typ):
return None
return typ.__metadata__[0]
T = TypeVar('T')
def maybe_strip_optional_from_annotation(annotation: T) -> T:
"""Strips 'Optional' from 'Optional[<type>]' if applicable.
For example::
Optional[str] -> str
str -> str
List[int] -> List[int]
annotation: The original type annotation which may or may not has
The type inside Optional[] if Optional exists, otherwise the original type.
if getattr(annotation, '__origin__',
None) is Union and annotation.__args__[1] is type(None):
return annotation.__args__[0]
return annotation
def maybe_strip_optional_from_annotation_string(annotation: str) -> str:
if annotation.startswith('Optional[') and annotation.endswith(']'):
return annotation.lstrip('Optional[').rstrip(']')
return annotation
def get_short_type_name(type_name: str) -> str:
"""Extracts the short form type name.
This method is used for looking up serializer for a given type.
For example::
typing.List -> List
typing.List[int] -> List
typing.Dict[str, str] -> Dict
List -> List
str -> str
type_name: The original type name.
The short form type name or the original name if pattern doesn't match.
match = re.match(r'(typing\.)?(?P<type>\w+)(?:\[.+\])?', type_name)
return match['type'] if match else type_name
def is_artifact_class(artifact_class_or_instance: Type) -> bool:
# we do not yet support non-pre-registered custom artifact types with instance_schema attribute
return hasattr(artifact_class_or_instance, 'schema_title') and hasattr(
artifact_class_or_instance, 'schema_version')
def is_list_of_artifacts(
annotation: Union[Type[List[artifact_types.Artifact]],
) -> bool:
"""Checks if an object is a list of list of artifacts annotation (e.g.,
List[Artifact], List[Dataset])"""
return is_generic_list(annotation) and issubclass_of_artifact(
def get_inner_type(annotation: Any) -> Optional[Any]:
"""Returns the inner type of a generic annotation.
For Union or Optional types with multiple inner types, a tuple of
types is returned.
# Check if the annotation has '__args__' attribute
if hasattr(annotation, '__args__'):
if len(annotation.__args__) == 1:
return annotation.__args__[0]
return tuple(annotation.__args__)
return None
def issubclass_of_artifact(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Checks if an object is a class and a subclass of a dsl.Artifact."""
return type(obj) == type and issubclass(obj, artifact_types.Artifact)
def is_generic_list(annotation: Any) -> bool:
# handles generics from the typing module for python<3.9
typing_generic_list = getattr(annotation, '__origin__',
None) is list or getattr(
annotation, '__origin__', None) is List
# handles built-in generics for python>=3.9
built_in_generic_list = annotation == list
return typing_generic_list or built_in_generic_list