Source code for kfp.dsl.pipeline_task

# Copyright 2021-2022 The Kubeflow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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"""Pipeline task class and operations."""

import copy
import enum
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Union
import warnings

from kfp.dsl import constants
from kfp.dsl import pipeline_channel
from kfp.dsl import placeholders
from kfp.dsl import structures
from kfp.dsl import utils
from kfp.dsl.types import type_utils
from kfp.local import pipeline_orchestrator
from kfp.pipeline_spec import pipeline_spec_pb2

_register_task_handler = lambda task: utils.maybe_rename_for_k8s(

class TaskState(enum.Enum):

def block_if_final(custom_message: Optional[str] = None):

    def actual_decorator(method):
        method_name = method.__name__

        def wrapper(self: 'PipelineTask', *args, **kwargs):
            if self.state == TaskState.FINAL:
                raise Exception(
                    custom_message or
                    f"Task configuration methods are not supported for local execution. Got call to '.{method_name}()'."
            elif self.state == TaskState.FUTURE:
                return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Got unknown {TaskState.__name__}: {self.state}.')

        return wrapper

    return actual_decorator

[docs]class PipelineTask: """Represents a pipeline task (instantiated component). **Note:** ``PipelineTask`` should not be constructed by pipeline authors directly, but instead obtained via an instantiated component (see example). Replaces ``ContainerOp`` from ``kfp`` v1. Holds operations available on a task object, such as ``.after()``, ``.set_memory_limit()``, ``.enable_caching()``, etc. Args: component_spec: The component definition. args: The dictionary of arguments on which the component was called to instantiate this task. Example: :: @dsl.component def identity(message: str) -> str: return message @dsl.pipeline(name='my_pipeline') def my_pipeline(): # task is an instance of PipelineTask task = identity(message='my string') """ _register_task_handler = _register_task_handler # Fallback behavior for compiling a component. This should be overriden by # pipeline `register_task_and_generate_id` if compiling a pipeline (more # than one component). def __init__( self, component_spec: structures.ComponentSpec, args: Dict[str, Any], execute_locally: bool = False, execution_caching_default: bool = True, ) -> None: """Initilizes a PipelineTask instance.""" # import within __init__ to avoid circular import from kfp.dsl.tasks_group import TasksGroup self.state = TaskState.FUTURE self.parent_task_group: Union[None, TasksGroup] = None args = args or {} for input_name, argument_value in args.items(): if input_name not in component_spec.inputs: raise ValueError( f'Component {!r} got an unexpected input:' f' {input_name!r}.') input_spec = component_spec.inputs[input_name] type_utils.verify_type_compatibility( given_value=argument_value, expected_spec=input_spec, error_message_prefix=( f'Incompatible argument passed to the input ' f'{input_name!r} of component {!r}: '), ) self.component_spec = component_spec self._task_spec = structures.TaskSpec( name=self._register_task_handler(), inputs=dict(args.items()), dependent_tasks=[],, enable_caching=execution_caching_default) self._run_after: List[str] = [] self.importer_spec = None self.container_spec = None self.pipeline_spec = None self._ignore_upstream_failure_tag = False # platform_config for this primitive task; empty if task is for a graph component self.platform_config = {} def validate_placeholder_types( component_spec: structures.ComponentSpec) -> None: inputs_dict = component_spec.inputs or {} outputs_dict = component_spec.outputs or {} for arg in itertools.chain( (component_spec.implementation.container.command or []), (component_spec.implementation.container.args or [])): check_primitive_placeholder_is_used_for_correct_io_type( inputs_dict, outputs_dict, arg) if component_spec.implementation.container is not None: validate_placeholder_types(component_spec) self.container_spec = self._extract_container_spec_and_convert_placeholders( component_spec=component_spec) elif component_spec.implementation.importer is not None: self.importer_spec = component_spec.implementation.importer self.importer_spec.artifact_uri = args['uri'] else: self.pipeline_spec = self.component_spec.implementation.graph self._outputs = { output_name: pipeline_channel.create_pipeline_channel( name=output_name, channel_type=output_spec.type,, is_artifact_list=output_spec.is_artifact_list, ) for output_name, output_spec in ( component_spec.outputs or {}).items() } self._inputs = args self._channel_inputs = [ value for _, value in args.items() if isinstance(value, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel) ] + pipeline_channel.extract_pipeline_channels_from_any([ value for _, value in args.items() if not isinstance(value, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel) ]) if execute_locally: self._execute_locally(args=args) def _execute_locally(self, args: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Execute the pipeline task locally. Set the task state to FINAL and update the outputs. """ from kfp.local import task_dispatcher if self.pipeline_spec is not None: self._outputs = pipeline_orchestrator.run_local_pipeline( pipeline_spec=self.pipeline_spec, arguments=args, ) elif self.component_spec is not None: self._outputs = task_dispatcher.run_single_task( pipeline_spec=self.component_spec.to_pipeline_spec(), arguments=args, ) else: # user should never hit this raise ValueError( 'One of pipeline_spec or component_spec must not be None for local execution.' ) self.state = TaskState.FINAL @property @block_if_final( 'Platform-specific features are not supported for local execution.') def platform_spec(self) -> pipeline_spec_pb2.PlatformSpec: """PlatformSpec for all tasks in the pipeline as task. Only for use on tasks created from GraphComponents. """ if self.pipeline_spec: return self.component_spec.platform_spec # can only create primitive task platform spec at compile-time, since the executor label is not known until then raise ValueError( f'Can only access {".platform_spec"!r} property on a tasks created from pipelines. Use {".platform_config"!r} for tasks created from primitive components.' ) @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the task. Unique within its parent group. """ return @property def inputs( self ) -> Dict[str, Union[type_utils.PARAMETER_TYPES, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]]: """The inputs passed to the task.""" return self._inputs @property def channel_inputs(self) -> List[pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]: """The list of all channel inputs passed to the task. :meta private: """ return self._channel_inputs @property def output(self) -> pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel: """The single output of the task. Used when a task has exactly one output parameter. """ if len(self._outputs) != 1: raise AttributeError( 'The task has multiple outputs. Please reference the output by its name.' ) return list(self._outputs.values())[0] @property def outputs(self) -> Mapping[str, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]: """The dictionary of outputs of the task. Used when a task has more the one output or uses an ``OutputPath`` or ``Output[Artifact]`` type annotation. """ return self._outputs @property @block_if_final( 'Task has no dependent tasks since it is executed independently.') def dependent_tasks(self) -> List[str]: """A list of the dependent task names.""" return self._task_spec.dependent_tasks def _extract_container_spec_and_convert_placeholders( self, component_spec: structures.ComponentSpec ) -> structures.ContainerSpecImplementation: """Extracts a ContainerSpec from a ComponentSpec and converts placeholder objects to strings. Args: component_spec: The component definition. """ container_spec = copy.deepcopy(component_spec.implementation.container) if container_spec is None: raise ValueError( '_extract_container_spec_and_convert_placeholders used incorrectly. ComponentSpec.implementation.container is None.' ) container_spec.command = [ placeholders.convert_command_line_element_to_string(e) for e in container_spec.command or [] ] container_spec.args = [ placeholders.convert_command_line_element_to_string(e) for e in container_spec.args or [] ] return container_spec
[docs] @block_if_final() def set_caching_options(self, enable_caching: bool) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets caching options for the task. Args: enable_caching: Whether to enable caching. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self._task_spec.enable_caching = enable_caching return self
def _ensure_container_spec_exists(self) -> None: """Ensures that the task has a container spec.""" caller_method_name = inspect.stack()[1][3] if self.container_spec is None: raise ValueError( f'{caller_method_name} can only be used on single-step components, not pipelines used as components, or special components like importers.' ) def _validate_cpu_request_limit(self, cpu: str) -> str: """Validates cpu request/limit string and converts to its numeric string value. Args: cpu: CPU requests or limits. This string should be a number or a number followed by an "m" to indicate millicores (1/1000). For more information, see `Specify a CPU Request and a CPU Limit <>`_. Raises: ValueError if the cpu request/limit string value is invalid. Returns: The numeric string of the cpu request/limit. """ if isinstance(cpu, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel): cpu = str(cpu) else: if re.match(r'([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+m?$', cpu) is None: raise ValueError( 'Invalid cpu string. Should be float or integer, or integer' ' followed by "m".') return cpu
[docs] @block_if_final() def set_cpu_request( self, cpu: Union[str, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets CPU request (minimum) for the task. Args: cpu: Minimum CPU requests required. This string should be a number or a number followed by an "m" to indicate millicores (1/1000). For more information, see `Specify a CPU Request and a CPU Limit <>`_. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self._ensure_container_spec_exists() cpu = self._validate_cpu_request_limit(cpu) if self.container_spec.resources is not None: self.container_spec.resources.cpu_request = cpu else: self.container_spec.resources = structures.ResourceSpec( cpu_request=cpu) return self
[docs] @block_if_final() def set_cpu_limit( self, cpu: Union[str, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets CPU limit (maximum) for the task. Args: cpu: Maximum CPU requests allowed. This string should be a number or a number followed by an "m" to indicate millicores (1/1000). For more information, see `Specify a CPU Request and a CPU Limit <>`_. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self._ensure_container_spec_exists() cpu = self._validate_cpu_request_limit(cpu) if self.container_spec.resources is not None: self.container_spec.resources.cpu_limit = cpu else: self.container_spec.resources = structures.ResourceSpec( cpu_limit=cpu) return self
[docs] @block_if_final() def set_accelerator_limit( self, limit: Union[int, str, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets accelerator limit (maximum) for the task. Only applies if accelerator type is also set via .set_accelerator_type(). Args: limit: Maximum number of accelerators allowed. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self._ensure_container_spec_exists() if isinstance(limit, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel): limit = str(limit) else: if isinstance(limit, int): limit = str(limit) if isinstance(limit, str) and re.match(r'^0$|^1$|^2$|^4$|^8$|^16$', limit) is None: raise ValueError( f'{"limit"!r} must be one of 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.') if self.container_spec.resources is not None: self.container_spec.resources.accelerator_count = limit else: self.container_spec.resources = structures.ResourceSpec( accelerator_count=limit) return self
@block_if_final() def set_gpu_limit(self, gpu: str) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets GPU limit (maximum) for the task. Only applies if accelerator type is also set via .add_accelerator_type(). Args: gpu: The maximum GPU reuqests allowed. This string should be a positive integer number of GPUs. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. :meta private: """ warnings.warn( f'{self.set_gpu_limit.__name__!r} is deprecated. Please use {self.set_accelerator_limit.__name__!r} instead.', category=DeprecationWarning) return self.set_accelerator_limit(gpu) def _validate_memory_request_limit(self, memory: str) -> str: """Validates memory request/limit string and converts to its numeric string value. Args: memory: Memory requests or limits. This string should be a number or a number followed by one of "E", "Ei", "P", "Pi", "T", "Ti", "G", "Gi", "M", "Mi", "K", or "Ki". Raises: ValueError if the memory request/limit string value is invalid. Returns: The numeric string value of the memory request/limit. """ if isinstance(memory, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel): memory = str(memory) else: if re.match(r'^[0-9]+(E|Ei|P|Pi|T|Ti|G|Gi|M|Mi|K|Ki){0,1}$', memory) is None: raise ValueError( 'Invalid memory string. Should be a number or a number ' 'followed by one of "E", "Ei", "P", "Pi", "T", "Ti", "G", ' '"Gi", "M", "Mi", "K", "Ki".') return memory
[docs] @block_if_final() def set_memory_request( self, memory: Union[str, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets memory request (minimum) for the task. Args: memory: The minimum memory requests required. This string should be a number or a number followed by one of "E", "Ei", "P", "Pi", "T", "Ti", "G", "Gi", "M", "Mi", "K", or "Ki". Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self._ensure_container_spec_exists() memory = self._validate_memory_request_limit(memory) if self.container_spec.resources is not None: self.container_spec.resources.memory_request = memory else: self.container_spec.resources = structures.ResourceSpec( memory_request=memory) return self
[docs] @block_if_final() def set_memory_limit( self, memory: Union[str, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets memory limit (maximum) for the task. Args: memory: The maximum memory requests allowed. This string should be a number or a number followed by one of "E", "Ei", "P", "Pi", "T", "Ti", "G", "Gi", "M", "Mi", "K", or "Ki". Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self._ensure_container_spec_exists() memory = self._validate_memory_request_limit(memory) if self.container_spec.resources is not None: self.container_spec.resources.memory_limit = memory else: self.container_spec.resources = structures.ResourceSpec( memory_limit=memory) return self
[docs] @block_if_final() def set_retry(self, num_retries: int, backoff_duration: Optional[str] = None, backoff_factor: Optional[float] = None, backoff_max_duration: Optional[str] = None) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets task retry parameters. Args: num_retries : Number of times to retry on failure. backoff_duration: Number of seconds to wait before triggering a retry. Defaults to ``'0s'`` (immediate retry). backoff_factor: Exponential backoff factor applied to ``backoff_duration``. For example, if ``backoff_duration="60"`` (60 seconds) and ``backoff_factor=2``, the first retry will happen after 60 seconds, then again after 120, 240, and so on. Defaults to ``2.0``. backoff_max_duration: Maximum duration during which the task will be retried. Maximum duration is 1 hour (3600s). Defaults to ``'3600s'``. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self._task_spec.retry_policy = structures.RetryPolicy( max_retry_count=num_retries, backoff_duration=backoff_duration, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, backoff_max_duration=backoff_max_duration, ) return self
[docs] @block_if_final() def add_node_selector_constraint(self, accelerator: str) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets accelerator type to use when executing this task. Args: accelerator: The name of the accelerator, such as ``'NVIDIA_TESLA_K80'``, ``'TPU_V3'``, ``''`` or ``''``. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ warnings.warn( f'{self.add_node_selector_constraint.__name__!r} is deprecated. Please use {self.set_accelerator_type.__name__!r} instead.', category=DeprecationWarning) return self.set_accelerator_type(accelerator)
[docs] @block_if_final() def set_accelerator_type( self, accelerator: Union[str, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel] ) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets accelerator type to use when executing this task. Args: accelerator: The name of the accelerator, such as ``'NVIDIA_TESLA_K80'``, ``'TPU_V3'``, ``''`` or ``''``. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self._ensure_container_spec_exists() if isinstance(accelerator, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel): accelerator = str(accelerator) if self.container_spec.resources is not None: self.container_spec.resources.accelerator_type = accelerator if self.container_spec.resources.accelerator_count is None: self.container_spec.resources.accelerator_count = '1' else: self.container_spec.resources = structures.ResourceSpec( accelerator_count='1', accelerator_type=accelerator) return self
[docs] @block_if_final() def set_display_name(self, name: str) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets display name for the task. Args: name: Display name. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self._task_spec.display_name = name return self
[docs] @block_if_final() def set_env_variable(self, name: str, value: str) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets environment variable for the task. Args: name: Environment variable name. value: Environment variable value. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self._ensure_container_spec_exists() if self.container_spec.env is not None: self.container_spec.env[name] = value else: self.container_spec.env = {name: value} return self
[docs] @block_if_final() def set_container_image( self, name: Union[str, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets container type to use when executing this task. Takes precedence over @component(base_image=...) Args: name: The name of the image, e.g. "python:3.9-alpine". Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self._ensure_container_spec_exists() if isinstance(name, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel): name = str(name) self.container_spec.image = name return self
[docs] @block_if_final() def after(self, *tasks) -> 'PipelineTask': """Specifies an explicit dependency on other tasks by requiring this task be executed after other tasks finish completion. Args: *tasks: Tasks after which this task should be executed. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. Example: :: @dsl.pipeline(name='my-pipeline') def my_pipeline(): task1 = my_component(text='1st task') task2 = my_component(text='2nd task').after(task1) """ for task in tasks: self._run_after.append( self._task_spec.dependent_tasks.append( return self
[docs] @block_if_final() def ignore_upstream_failure(self) -> 'PipelineTask': """If called, the pipeline task will run when any specified upstream tasks complete, even if unsuccessful. This method effectively turns the caller task into an exit task if the caller task has upstream dependencies. If the task has no upstream tasks, either via data exchange or an explicit dependency via .after(), this method has no effect. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. Example: :: @dsl.pipeline() def my_pipeline(text: str = 'message'): task = fail_op(message=text) clean_up_task = print_op( message=task.output).ignore_upstream_failure() """ for input_spec_name, input_spec in (self.component_spec.inputs or {}).items(): if type_utils.is_task_final_status_type(input_spec.type): continue argument_value = self._inputs[input_spec_name] if (isinstance(argument_value, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel) ) and (not input_spec.optional) and (argument_value.task_name is not None): raise ValueError( f'Tasks can only use .ignore_upstream_failure() if all input parameters that accept arguments created by an upstream task have a default value, in case the upstream task fails to produce its output. Input parameter task {!r}`s {input_spec_name!r} argument is an output of an upstream task {argument_value.task_name!r}, but {input_spec_name!r} has no default value.' ) self._ignore_upstream_failure_tag = True return self
# TODO: this function should ideally be in the function kfp.dsl.structures.check_placeholder_references_valid_io_name, which does something similar, but this causes the exception to be raised at component definition time, rather than compile time. This would break tests that load v1 component YAML, even though that YAML is invalid. def check_primitive_placeholder_is_used_for_correct_io_type( inputs_dict: Dict[str, structures.InputSpec], outputs_dict: Dict[str, structures.OutputSpec], arg: Union[placeholders.CommandLineElement, Any], ): """Validates input/output placeholders refer to an input/output with an appropriate type for the placeholder. This should only apply to components loaded from v1 component YAML, where the YAML is authored directly. For v2 YAML, this is encapsulated in the DSL logic which does not permit writing incorrect placeholders. Args: inputs_dict: The existing input names. outputs_dict: The existing output names. arg: The command line element, which may be a placeholder. """ if isinstance(arg, placeholders.InputValuePlaceholder): input_name = arg.input_name if not type_utils.is_parameter_type(inputs_dict[input_name].type): raise TypeError( f'Input "{input_name}" with type ' f'"{inputs_dict[input_name].type}" cannot be paired with ' 'InputValuePlaceholder.') elif isinstance( arg, (placeholders.InputUriPlaceholder, placeholders.InputPathPlaceholder)): input_name = arg.input_name if type_utils.is_parameter_type(inputs_dict[input_name].type): raise TypeError( f'Input "{input_name}" with type ' f'"{inputs_dict[input_name].type}" cannot be paired with ' f'{arg.__class__.__name__}.') elif isinstance(arg, placeholders.OutputUriPlaceholder): output_name = arg.output_name if type_utils.is_parameter_type(outputs_dict[output_name].type): raise TypeError( f'Output "{output_name}" with type ' f'"{outputs_dict[output_name].type}" cannot be paired with ' f'{arg.__class__.__name__}.') elif isinstance(arg, placeholders.IfPresentPlaceholder): all_normalized_args: List[placeholders.CommandLineElement] = [] if arg.then is None: pass elif isinstance(arg.then, list): all_normalized_args.extend(arg.then) else: all_normalized_args.append(arg.then) if arg.else_ is None: pass elif isinstance(arg.else_, list): all_normalized_args.extend(arg.else_) else: all_normalized_args.append(arg.else_) for arg in all_normalized_args: check_primitive_placeholder_is_used_for_correct_io_type( inputs_dict, outputs_dict, arg) elif isinstance(arg, placeholders.ConcatPlaceholder): for arg in arg.items: check_primitive_placeholder_is_used_for_correct_io_type( inputs_dict, outputs_dict, arg)