Source code for kfp.dsl.pipeline_context

# Copyright 2021-2022 The Kubeflow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Definition for Pipeline."""

import functools
import os
from typing import Callable, Optional

from kfp.dsl import component_factory
from kfp.dsl import pipeline_config
from kfp.dsl import pipeline_task
from kfp.dsl import tasks_group
from kfp.dsl import utils

[docs]def pipeline( func: Optional[Callable] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_root: Optional[str] = None, display_name: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_config: pipeline_config.PipelineConfig = None) -> Callable: """Decorator used to construct a pipeline. Example :: @pipeline( name='my-pipeline', description='My ML Pipeline.' pipeline_root='gs://my-bucket/my-output-path' ) def my_pipeline(a: str, b: int): ... Args: func: The Python function that defines a pipeline. name: The pipeline name. Defaults to a sanitized version of the decorated function name. description: A human-readable description of the pipeline. pipeline_root: The root directory from which to read input and output parameters and artifacts. display_name: A human-readable name for the pipeline. pipeline_config: Pipeline-level config options. """ if func is None: return functools.partial( pipeline, name=name, description=description, pipeline_root=pipeline_root, display_name=display_name, pipeline_config=pipeline_config, ) if pipeline_root: func.pipeline_root = pipeline_root return component_factory.create_graph_component_from_func( func, name=name, description=description, display_name=display_name, pipeline_config=pipeline_config, )
class Pipeline: """A pipeline contains a list of tasks. This class is not supposed to be used by pipeline authors since pipeline authors can use pipeline functions (decorated with @pipeline) to reference their pipelines. This class is useful for implementing a compiler. For example, the compiler can use the following to get the pipeline object and its tasks: Example: :: with Pipeline() as p: pipeline_func(*args_list) traverse(p.tasks) Attributes: name: tasks: groups: """ # _default_pipeline is set when the compiler runs "with Pipeline()" _default_pipeline = None @staticmethod def get_default_pipeline(): """Gets the default pipeline.""" return Pipeline._default_pipeline # _execution_caching_default can be disabled via the click option --disable-execution-caching-by-default # or the env var KFP_DISABLE_EXECUTION_CACHING_BY_DEFAULT. # align with click's treatment of env vars for boolean flags. # per click doc, "1", "true", "t", "yes", "y", and "on" are all converted to True _execution_caching_default = not str( os.getenv('KFP_DISABLE_EXECUTION_CACHING_BY_DEFAULT')).strip().lower( ) in {'1', 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y', 'on'} @staticmethod def get_execution_caching_default(): """Gets the default execution caching.""" return Pipeline._execution_caching_default def __init__(self, name: str): """Creates a new instance of Pipeline. Args: name: The name of the pipeline. """ = name self.tasks = {} # Add the root group. self.groups = [ tasks_group.TasksGroup( group_type=tasks_group.TasksGroupType.PIPELINE, name=name, is_root=True) ] self._group_id = 0 def __enter__(self): if Pipeline._default_pipeline: raise Exception('Nested pipelines are not allowed.') Pipeline._default_pipeline = self def register_task_and_generate_id(task: pipeline_task.PipelineTask): return self.add_task( task=task, add_to_group=not getattr(task, 'is_exit_handler', False)) self._old_register_task_handler = ( pipeline_task.PipelineTask._register_task_handler) pipeline_task.PipelineTask._register_task_handler = ( register_task_and_generate_id) return self def __exit__(self, *unused_args): Pipeline._default_pipeline = None pipeline_task.PipelineTask._register_task_handler = ( self._old_register_task_handler) def add_task( self, task: pipeline_task.PipelineTask, add_to_group: bool, ) -> str: """Adds a new task. Args: task: A PipelineTask instance. add_to_group: Whether add the task into the current group. Expect True for all tasks expect for exit handler. Returns: A unique task name. """ # Sanitizing the task name. # Technically this could be delayed to the compilation stage, but string # serialization of PipelineChannels make unsanitized names problematic. task_name = utils.maybe_rename_for_k8s( #If there is an existing task with this name then generate a new name. task_name = utils.make_name_unique_by_adding_index( task_name, list(self.tasks.keys()), '-') if task_name == '': task_name = utils.make_name_unique_by_adding_index( 'task', list(self.tasks.keys()), '-') self.tasks[task_name] = task if add_to_group: task.parent_task_group = self.groups[-1] self.groups[-1].tasks.append(task) return task_name def push_tasks_group(self, group: 'tasks_group.TasksGroup'): """Pushes a TasksGroup into the stack. Args: group: A TasksGroup. Typically it is one of ExitHandler, Condition, and ParallelFor. """ group.parent_task_group = self.get_parent_group() self.groups[-1].groups.append(group) self.groups.append(group) def pop_tasks_group(self): """Removes the current TasksGroup from the stack.""" del self.groups[-1] def get_last_tasks_group(self) -> Optional['tasks_group.TasksGroup']: """Gets the last TasksGroup added to the pipeline at the current level of the pipeline definition.""" groups = self.groups[-1].groups return groups[-1] if groups else None def get_parent_group(self) -> 'tasks_group.TasksGroup': return self.groups[-1] def remove_task_from_groups(self, task: pipeline_task.PipelineTask): """Removes a task from the pipeline. This is useful for excluding exit handler from the pipeline. """ for group in self.groups: group.remove_task_recursive(task) def get_next_group_id(self) -> str: """Gets the next id for a new group.""" self._group_id += 1 return str(self._group_id)