Source code for kfp.components.placeholders

# Copyright 2022 The Kubeflow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Contains data structures and functions for handling input and output

import abc
import dataclasses
import json
from json.decoder import JSONArray  # type: ignore
from json.scanner import py_make_scanner
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from kfp.components import base_model
from kfp.components import utils
from kfp.components.types import type_utils

class Placeholder(abc.ABC):
    """Abstract base class for Placeholders.

    All placeholders must implement these methods to be handled
    appropriately downstream.

    def from_placeholder_string(cls, placeholder_string: str) -> 'Placeholder':
        """Converts a placeholder string to the placeholder object that
        implements this method.

            placeholder_string (str): The placeholder string.

            Placeholder: The placeholder object that implements this method.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def is_match(cls, placeholder_string: str) -> bool:
        """Checks if the placeholder string matches the placeholder object that
        implements this method.

            placeholder_string (str): The placeholder string.

            bool: Whether the placeholder string matches the placeholder object that implements this method and can be converted to an instance of the placeholder object.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_placeholder_string(self) -> str:
        """Converts the placeholder object that implements this to a
        placeholder string.

            str: The placeholder string.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_dict(self, by_alias: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Converts the placeholder object that implements this to a
        dictionary. This ensures that this concrete placeholder classes also
        inherit from kfp.components.base_model.BaseModel.

            by_alias (bool, optional): Whether to use attribute name to alias field mapping provided by cls._aliases when converting to dictionary. Defaults to False.

            Dict[str, Any]: Dictionary representation of the object.
        raise NotImplementedError

class RegexPlaceholderSerializationMixin(Placeholder):
    """Mixin for *Placeholder objects that handles the
    serialization/deserialization of the placeholder."""
    _FROM_PLACEHOLDER: Union[re.Pattern, type(NotImplemented)] = NotImplemented
    _TO_PLACEHOLDER: Union[str, type(NotImplemented)] = NotImplemented

    def is_match(cls, placeholder_string: str) -> bool:
        """Determines if the placeholder_string matches the placeholder pattern
        using the _FROM_PLACEHOLDER regex.

            placeholder_string (str): The string (often "{{$.inputs/outputs...}}") to check.

            bool: Determines if the placeholder_string matches the placeholder pattern.
        return cls._FROM_PLACEHOLDER.match(placeholder_string) is not None

    def from_placeholder_string(
            placeholder_string: str) -> 'RegexPlaceholderSerializationMixin':
        """Converts a placeholder string into a placeholder object.

            placeholder_string (str): The placeholder.

            PlaceholderSerializationMixin subclass: The placeholder object.
        if cls._FROM_PLACEHOLDER == NotImplemented:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f'{cls.__name__} does not support placeholder parsing.')
        matches =, placeholder_string)
        if matches is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Could not parse placeholder: {placeholder_string} into {cls.__name__}'
        field_names = [ for field in dataclasses.fields(cls)]
        if len(matches.groups()) > len(field_names):
            raise ValueError(
                f'Could not parse placeholder string: {placeholder_string}. Expected no more than {len(field_names)} groups matched for fields {field_names}. Got {len(matches.groups())} matched: {matches.groups()}.'
        kwargs = {field_name: matches[field_name] for field_name in field_names}
        return cls(**kwargs)

    def to_placeholder_string(self) -> str:
        """Converts a placeholder object into a placeholder string.

            str: The placeholder string.
        if self._TO_PLACEHOLDER == NotImplemented:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f'{self.__class__.__name__} does not support creating placeholder strings.'

        return self._TO_PLACEHOLDER.format(**self.to_dict())

class ExecutorInputPlaceholder(base_model.BaseModel,
    """Class that represents executor input placeholder."""
    _TO_PLACEHOLDER = '{{$}}'
    _FROM_PLACEHOLDER = re.compile(r'\{\{\$\}\}')

    def to_placeholder_string(self) -> str:
        return self._TO_PLACEHOLDER

class InputValuePlaceholder(base_model.BaseModel,
    """Class that holds an input value placeholder.

        output_name: Name of the input.
    input_name: str
    _aliases = {'input_name': 'inputValue'}
    _TO_PLACEHOLDER = "{{{{$.inputs.parameters['{input_name}']}}}}"
    _FROM_PLACEHOLDER = re.compile(

class InputPathPlaceholder(base_model.BaseModel,
    """Class that holds an input path placeholder.

        output_name: Name of the input.
    input_name: str
    _aliases = {'input_name': 'inputPath'}
    _TO_PLACEHOLDER = "{{{{$.inputs.artifacts['{input_name}'].path}}}}"
    _FROM_PLACEHOLDER = re.compile(

class InputUriPlaceholder(base_model.BaseModel,
    """Class that holds an input uri placeholder.

        output_name: Name of the input.
    input_name: str
    _aliases = {'input_name': 'inputUri'}
    _TO_PLACEHOLDER = "{{{{$.inputs.artifacts['{input_name}'].uri}}}}"
    _FROM_PLACEHOLDER = re.compile(

class OutputParameterPlaceholder(base_model.BaseModel,
    """Class that holds an output parameter placeholder.

        output_name: Name of the input.
    output_name: str
    _aliases = {'output_name': 'outputPath'}
    _TO_PLACEHOLDER = "{{{{$.outputs.parameters['{output_name}'].output_file}}}}"
    _FROM_PLACEHOLDER = re.compile(

class OutputPathPlaceholder(base_model.BaseModel,
    """Class that holds an output path placeholder.

        output_name: Name of the input.
    output_name: str
    _aliases = {'output_name': 'outputPath'}
    _TO_PLACEHOLDER = "{{{{$.outputs.artifacts['{output_name}'].path}}}}"
    _FROM_PLACEHOLDER = re.compile(

class OutputUriPlaceholder(base_model.BaseModel,
    """Class that holds output uri for conditional cases.

        output_name: name of the output.
    output_name: str
    _aliases = {'output_name': 'outputUri'}
    _TO_PLACEHOLDER = "{{{{$.outputs.artifacts['{output_name}'].uri}}}}"
    _FROM_PLACEHOLDER = re.compile(

CommandLineElement = Union[str, ExecutorInputPlaceholder, InputValuePlaceholder,
                           InputPathPlaceholder, InputUriPlaceholder,
                           OutputParameterPlaceholder, OutputPathPlaceholder,
                           OutputUriPlaceholder, 'IfPresentPlaceholder',

[docs]class ConcatPlaceholder(base_model.BaseModel, Placeholder): """Placeholder for concatenating multiple strings. May contain other placeholders. Examples: :: @container_component def container_with_concat_placeholder(text1: str, text2: Output[Dataset], output_path: OutputPath(str)): return ContainerSpec( image='python:3.7', command=[ 'my_program', ConcatPlaceholder(['prefix-', text1, text2.uri]) ], args=['--output_path', output_path] ) """ items: List[CommandLineElement] """Elements to concatenate."""
[docs] @classmethod def split_cel_concat_string(self, string: str) -> List[str]: """Splits a cel string into a list of strings, which may be normal strings or placeholder strings. Args: cel_string (str): The cel string. Returns: List[str]: The list of strings. """ concat_char = '+' start_ends = [(match.start(0), match.end(0)) for match in InputValuePlaceholder._FROM_PLACEHOLDER.finditer(string)] items = [] if start_ends: start = 0 for match_start, match_end in start_ends: leading_string = string[start:match_start] if leading_string and leading_string != concat_char: items.append(leading_string) items.append(string[match_start:match_end]) start = match_end trailing_string = string[match_end:] if trailing_string and trailing_string != concat_char: items.append(trailing_string) return items
[docs] @classmethod def is_match(cls, placeholder_string: str) -> bool: # 'Concat' is the explicit struct for concatenation # cel splitting handles the cases of {{input}}+{{input}} and {{input}}otherstring return 'Concat' in json_load_nested_placeholder_aware( placeholder_string ) or len( ConcatPlaceholder.split_cel_concat_string(placeholder_string)) > 1
[docs] def to_placeholder_struct(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { 'Concat': [ maybe_convert_placeholder_to_placeholder_string(item) for item in self.items ] }
[docs] def to_placeholder_string(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.to_placeholder_struct())
[docs] @classmethod def from_placeholder_string(cls, placeholder_string: str) -> 'ConcatPlaceholder': placeholder_struct = json_load_nested_placeholder_aware( placeholder_string) if isinstance(placeholder_struct, str): items = [ maybe_convert_placeholder_string_to_placeholder(item) for item in cls.split_cel_concat_string(placeholder_struct) ] return cls(items=items) elif isinstance(placeholder_struct, dict): items = [ maybe_convert_placeholder_string_to_placeholder(item) for item in placeholder_struct['Concat'] ] return ConcatPlaceholder(items=items) raise ValueError
[docs]class IfPresentPlaceholder(base_model.BaseModel, Placeholder): """Placeholder for handling cases where an input may or may not be passed. May contain other placeholders. Examples: :: @container_component def container_with_if_placeholder(output_path: OutputPath(str), dataset: Output[Dataset], optional_input: str = 'default'): return ContainerSpec( image='python:3.7', command=[ 'my_program', IfPresentPlaceholder( input_name='optional_input', then=[optional_input], else_=['no_input']), '--dataset', IfPresentPlaceholder( input_name='optional_input', then=[dataset.uri], else_=['no_dataset']) ], args=['--output_path', output_path] ) """ input_name: str """name of the input/output.""" then: List[CommandLineElement] """If the input/output specified in name is present, the command-line argument will be replaced at run-time by the expanded value of then.""" else_: Optional[List[CommandLineElement]] = None """If the input/output specified in name is not present, the command-line argument will be replaced at run-time by the expanded value of otherwise.""" _aliases = {'input_name': 'inputName', 'else_': 'else'}
[docs] @classmethod def is_match(cls, string: str) -> bool: try: return 'IfPresent' in json.loads(string) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return False
[docs] def to_placeholder_struct(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: then = [ maybe_convert_placeholder_to_placeholder_string(item) for item in self.then ] if isinstance(self.then, list) else self.then struct = {'IfPresent': {'InputName': self.input_name, 'Then': then}} if self.else_: otherwise = [ maybe_convert_placeholder_to_placeholder_string(item) for item in self.else_ ] if isinstance(self.else_, list) else self.else_ struct['IfPresent']['Else'] = otherwise return struct
[docs] def to_placeholder_string(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.to_placeholder_struct())
[docs] @classmethod def from_placeholder_string( cks, placeholder_string: str) -> 'IfPresentPlaceholder': struct = json_load_nested_placeholder_aware(placeholder_string) struct_body = struct['IfPresent'] then = struct_body['Then'] then = [ maybe_convert_placeholder_string_to_placeholder(item) for item in then ] if isinstance(then, list) else then else_ = struct_body.get('Else') else_ = [ maybe_convert_placeholder_string_to_placeholder(item) for item in else_ ] if isinstance(else_, list) else else_ kwargs = { 'input_name': struct_body['InputName'], 'then': then, 'else_': else_ } return IfPresentPlaceholder(**kwargs)
[docs] def transform_else(self) -> None: """Use None instead of empty list for optional.""" self.else_ = None if self.else_ == [] else self.else_
class CustomizedDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def parse_array(*_args, **_kwargs): values, end = JSONArray(*_args, **_kwargs) for i, item in enumerate(values): if isinstance(item, dict): values[i] = json.dumps(item) return values, end self.parse_array = parse_array self.scan_once = py_make_scanner(self) def json_load_nested_placeholder_aware( placeholder_string: str ) -> Union[str, Dict[str, Union[str, List[str], dict]]]: try: return json.loads(placeholder_string, cls=CustomizedDecoder) except json.JSONDecodeError: return placeholder_string def maybe_convert_placeholder_string_to_placeholder( placeholder_string: str) -> CommandLineElement: """Infers if a command is a placeholder and converts it to the correct Placeholder object. Args: arg (str): The arg or command to possibly convert. Returns: CommandLineElement: The converted command or original string. """ if not placeholder_string.startswith('{'): return placeholder_string # order matters here! from_string_placeholders = [ ExecutorInputPlaceholder, IfPresentPlaceholder, ConcatPlaceholder, InputValuePlaceholder, InputPathPlaceholder, InputUriPlaceholder, OutputPathPlaceholder, OutputUriPlaceholder, OutputParameterPlaceholder, ] for placeholder_struct in from_string_placeholders: if placeholder_struct.is_match(placeholder_string): return placeholder_struct.from_placeholder_string( placeholder_string) return placeholder_string def maybe_convert_placeholder_to_placeholder_string( placeholder: CommandLineElement) -> str: """Converts a placeholder to a placeholder string if it's a subclass of Placeholder. Args: placeholder (Placeholder): The placeholder to convert. Returns: str: The placeholder string. """ if isinstance(placeholder, Placeholder): return placeholder.to_placeholder_struct() if hasattr( placeholder, 'to_placeholder_struct') else placeholder.to_placeholder_string() return placeholder def maybe_convert_v1_yaml_placeholder_to_v2_placeholder_str( arg: Dict[str, Any], component_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], CommandLineElement]: if isinstance(arg, str): return arg if not isinstance(arg, dict): raise ValueError has_one_entry = len(arg) == 1 if not has_one_entry: raise ValueError( f'Got unexpected dictionary {arg}. Expected a dictionary with one entry.' ) first_key = list(arg.keys())[0] first_value = list(arg.values())[0] if first_key == 'inputValue': return InputValuePlaceholder( input_name=utils.sanitize_input_name( first_value)).to_placeholder_string() elif first_key == 'inputPath': return InputPathPlaceholder( input_name=utils.sanitize_input_name( first_value)).to_placeholder_string() elif first_key == 'inputUri': return InputUriPlaceholder( input_name=utils.sanitize_input_name( first_value)).to_placeholder_string() elif first_key == 'outputPath': outputs = component_dict['outputs'] for output in outputs: if output['name'] == first_value: type_ = output.get('type') is_parameter = type_ is None or ( isinstance(type_, str) and type_.lower() in type_utils._PARAMETER_TYPES_MAPPING) if is_parameter: return OutputParameterPlaceholder( output_name=utils.sanitize_input_name( first_value)).to_placeholder_string() else: return OutputPathPlaceholder( output_name=utils.sanitize_input_name( first_value)).to_placeholder_string() raise ValueError( f'{first_value} not found in component outputs. Could not process placeholders. Component spec: {component_dict}.' ) elif first_key == 'outputUri': return OutputUriPlaceholder( output_name=utils.sanitize_input_name( first_value)).to_placeholder_string() elif first_key == 'ifPresent': structure_kwargs = arg['ifPresent'] structure_kwargs['input_name'] = structure_kwargs.pop('inputName') structure_kwargs['otherwise'] = structure_kwargs.pop('else') structure_kwargs['then'] = [ maybe_convert_v1_yaml_placeholder_to_v2_placeholder_str( e, component_dict=component_dict) for e in structure_kwargs['then'] ] structure_kwargs['otherwise'] = [ maybe_convert_v1_yaml_placeholder_to_v2_placeholder_str( e, component_dict=component_dict) for e in structure_kwargs['otherwise'] ] return IfPresentPlaceholder(**structure_kwargs).to_placeholder_string() elif first_key == 'concat': return ConcatPlaceholder(items=[ maybe_convert_v1_yaml_placeholder_to_v2_placeholder_str( e, component_dict=component_dict) for e in arg['concat'] ]).to_placeholder_string() elif first_key == 'executorInput': return ExecutorInputPlaceholder().to_placeholder_string() elif 'if' in arg: if_ = arg['if'] input_name = utils.sanitize_input_name(if_['cond']['isPresent']) then_ = if_['then'] else_ = if_.get('else', []) return IfPresentPlaceholder( input_name=input_name, then=[ maybe_convert_v1_yaml_placeholder_to_v2_placeholder_str( val, component_dict=component_dict) for val in then_ ], else_=[ maybe_convert_v1_yaml_placeholder_to_v2_placeholder_str( val, component_dict=component_dict) for val in else_ ]).to_placeholder_string() elif 'concat' in arg: return ConcatPlaceholder(items=[ maybe_convert_v1_yaml_placeholder_to_v2_placeholder_str( val, component_dict=component_dict) for val in arg['concat'] ]).to_placeholder_string() else: raise TypeError(f'Unexpected argument {arg} of type {type(arg)}.')