Source code for kfp.compiler.compiler

# Copyright 2021-2022 The Kubeflow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""KFP DSL compiler.

Implementation of KFP compiler that compiles KFP pipeline into Pipeline IR:
import collections
import inspect
import json
from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple,
import uuid
import warnings

from google.protobuf import json_format
import kfp
from kfp import dsl
from kfp.compiler import pipeline_spec_builder as builder
from kfp.compiler.pipeline_spec_builder import GroupOrTaskType
from kfp.components import base_component
from kfp.components import component_factory
from kfp.components import for_loop
from kfp.components import pipeline_channel
from kfp.components import pipeline_context
from kfp.components import pipeline_task
from kfp.components import structures
from kfp.components import tasks_group
from kfp.components import utils as component_utils
from kfp.components.types import type_utils
from kfp.pipeline_spec import pipeline_spec_pb2
import yaml

[docs]class Compiler: """Compiles pipelines composed using the KFP SDK DSL to a YAML pipeline definition. The pipeline definition is `PipelineSpec IR <>`_, the protobuf message that defines a pipeline. Example: :: @dsl.pipeline( name='name', ) def my_pipeline(a: int, b: str = 'default value'): ... kfp.compiler.Compiler().compile( pipeline_func=my_pipeline, package_path='path/to/pipeline.yaml', pipeline_parameters={'a': 1}, ) """
[docs] def compile( self, pipeline_func: Union[Callable[..., Any], base_component.BaseComponent], package_path: str, pipeline_name: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, type_check: bool = True, ) -> None: """Compiles the pipeline or component function into IR YAML. Args: pipeline_func: Pipeline function constructed with the ``@dsl.pipeline`` or component constructed with the ``@dsl.component`` decorator. package_path: Output YAML file path. For example, ``'~/my_pipeline.yaml'`` or ``'~/my_component.yaml'``. pipeline_name: Name of the pipeline. pipeline_parameters: Map of parameter names to argument values. type_check: Whether to enable type checking of component interfaces during compilation. """ with type_utils.TypeCheckManager(enable=type_check): if isinstance(pipeline_func, base_component.BaseComponent): component_spec = builder.modify_component_spec_for_compile( component_spec=pipeline_func.component_spec, pipeline_name=pipeline_name, pipeline_parameters_override=pipeline_parameters, ) pipeline_spec = component_spec.to_pipeline_spec() elif pipeline_context.Pipeline.is_pipeline_func(pipeline_func): pipeline_spec = self._create_pipeline( pipeline_func=pipeline_func, pipeline_name=pipeline_name, pipeline_parameters_override=pipeline_parameters, ) else: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported pipeline_func type. Expected ' 'subclass of `base_component.BaseComponent` or ' '`Callable` constructed with @dsl.pipeline ' f'decorator. Got: {type(pipeline_func)}') write_pipeline_spec_to_file( pipeline_spec=pipeline_spec, package_path=package_path)
def _create_pipeline( self, pipeline_func: Callable[..., Any], pipeline_name: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_parameters_override: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ) -> pipeline_spec_pb2.PipelineSpec: """Creates a pipeline instance and constructs the pipeline spec from it. Args: pipeline_func: The pipeline function with @dsl.pipeline decorator. pipeline_name: Optional; the name of the pipeline. pipeline_parameters_override: Optional; the mapping from parameter names to values. Returns: A PipelineSpec proto representing the compiled pipeline. """ # Create the arg list with no default values and call pipeline function. # Assign type information to the PipelineChannel pipeline_meta = component_factory.extract_component_interface( pipeline_func) pipeline_name = pipeline_name or pipeline_root = getattr(pipeline_func, 'pipeline_root', None) args_list = [] signature = inspect.signature(pipeline_func) for arg_name in signature.parameters: arg_type = pipeline_meta.inputs[arg_name].type if not type_utils.is_parameter_type(arg_type): raise TypeError( builder.make_invalid_input_type_error_msg( arg_name, arg_type)) args_list.append( pipeline_channel.PipelineParameterChannel( name=arg_name, channel_type=arg_type)) with pipeline_context.Pipeline(pipeline_name) as dsl_pipeline: pipeline_func(*args_list) if not dsl_pipeline.tasks: raise ValueError('Task is missing from pipeline.') self._validate_exit_handler(dsl_pipeline) pipeline_inputs = pipeline_meta.inputs or {} # Verify that pipeline_parameters_override contains only input names # that match the pipeline inputs definition. pipeline_parameters_override = pipeline_parameters_override or {} for input_name in pipeline_parameters_override: if input_name not in pipeline_inputs: raise ValueError( 'Pipeline parameter {} does not match any known ' 'pipeline argument.'.format(input_name)) # Fill in the default values. args_list_with_defaults = [ pipeline_channel.PipelineParameterChannel( name=input_name, channel_type=input_spec.type, value=pipeline_parameters_override.get(input_name) or input_spec.default, ) for input_name, input_spec in pipeline_inputs.items() ] # Making the pipeline group name unique to prevent name clashes with # templates pipeline_group = dsl_pipeline.groups[0] = uuid.uuid4().hex pipeline_spec = self._create_pipeline_spec( pipeline_args=args_list_with_defaults, pipeline=dsl_pipeline, ) if pipeline_root: pipeline_spec.default_pipeline_root = pipeline_root return pipeline_spec def _create_pipeline_from_component_spec( self, component_spec: structures.ComponentSpec, ) -> pipeline_spec_pb2.PipelineSpec: """Creates a pipeline instance and constructs the pipeline spec for a primitive component. Args: component_spec: The ComponentSpec to convert to PipelineSpec. Returns: A PipelineSpec proto representing the compiled component. """ args_dict = {} for arg_name, input_spec in component_spec.inputs.items(): arg_type = input_spec.type if not type_utils.is_parameter_type( arg_type) or type_utils.is_task_final_status_type(arg_type): raise TypeError( builder.make_invalid_input_type_error_msg( arg_name, arg_type)) args_dict[arg_name] = pipeline_channel.PipelineParameterChannel( name=arg_name, channel_type=arg_type) task = pipeline_task.PipelineTask(component_spec, args_dict) # instead of constructing a pipeline with pipeline_context.Pipeline, # just build the single task group group = tasks_group.TasksGroup( group_type=tasks_group.TasksGroupType.PIPELINE) group.tasks.append(task) pipeline_inputs = component_spec.inputs or {} # Fill in the default values. args_list_with_defaults = [ pipeline_channel.PipelineParameterChannel( name=input_name, channel_type=input_spec.type, value=input_spec.default, ) for input_name, input_spec in pipeline_inputs.items() ] = uuid.uuid4().hex return builder.create_pipeline_spec_for_component(, pipeline_args=args_list_with_defaults, task_group=group, ) def _validate_exit_handler(self, pipeline: pipeline_context.Pipeline) -> None: """Makes sure there is only one global exit handler. This is temporary to be compatible with KFP v1. Raises: ValueError if there are more than one exit handler. """ def _validate_exit_handler_helper( group: tasks_group.TasksGroup, exiting_task_names: List[str], handler_exists: bool, ) -> None: if isinstance(group, dsl.ExitHandler): if handler_exists or len(exiting_task_names) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Only one global exit_handler is allowed and all ops need to be included.' ) handler_exists = True if group.tasks: exiting_task_names.extend([ for x in group.tasks]) for group in group.groups: _validate_exit_handler_helper( group=group, exiting_task_names=exiting_task_names, handler_exists=handler_exists, ) _validate_exit_handler_helper( group=pipeline.groups[0], exiting_task_names=[], handler_exists=False, ) def _create_pipeline_spec( self, pipeline_args: List[pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel], pipeline: pipeline_context.Pipeline, ) -> pipeline_spec_pb2.PipelineSpec: """Creates a pipeline spec object. Args: pipeline_args: The list of pipeline input parameters. pipeline: The instantiated pipeline object. Returns: A PipelineSpec proto representing the compiled pipeline. Raises: ValueError if the argument is of unsupported types. """ builder.validate_pipeline_name( deployment_config = pipeline_spec_pb2.PipelineDeploymentConfig() pipeline_spec = pipeline_spec_pb2.PipelineSpec() = pipeline_spec.sdk_version = f'kfp-{kfp.__version__}' # Schema version 2.1.0 is required for kfp-pipeline-spec>0.1.13 pipeline_spec.schema_version = '2.1.0' pipeline_spec.root.CopyFrom( builder.build_component_spec_for_group( pipeline_channels=pipeline_args, is_root_group=True, )) root_group = pipeline.groups[0] all_groups = self._get_all_groups(root_group) group_name_to_group = { group for group in all_groups} task_name_to_parent_groups, group_name_to_parent_groups = ( builder.get_parent_groups(root_group)) condition_channels = self._get_condition_channels_for_tasks(root_group) name_to_for_loop_group = { group_name: group for group_name, group in group_name_to_group.items() if isinstance(group, dsl.ParallelFor) } inputs = self._get_inputs_for_all_groups( pipeline=pipeline, pipeline_args=pipeline_args, root_group=root_group, task_name_to_parent_groups=task_name_to_parent_groups, group_name_to_parent_groups=group_name_to_parent_groups, condition_channels=condition_channels, name_to_for_loop_group=name_to_for_loop_group, ) dependencies = self._get_dependencies( pipeline=pipeline, root_group=root_group, task_name_to_parent_groups=task_name_to_parent_groups, group_name_to_parent_groups=group_name_to_parent_groups, group_name_to_group=group_name_to_group, condition_channels=condition_channels, ) for group in all_groups: builder.build_spec_by_group( pipeline_spec=pipeline_spec, deployment_config=deployment_config, group=group, inputs=inputs, dependencies=dependencies,, task_name_to_parent_groups=task_name_to_parent_groups, group_name_to_parent_groups=group_name_to_parent_groups, name_to_for_loop_group=name_to_for_loop_group, ) # TODO: refactor to support multiple exit handler per pipeline. if pipeline.groups[0].groups: first_group = pipeline.groups[0].groups[0] if isinstance(first_group, dsl.ExitHandler): exit_task = first_group.exit_task exit_task_name = component_utils.sanitize_task_name( exit_handler_group_task_name = component_utils.sanitize_task_name( input_parameters_in_current_dag = [ input_name for input_name in pipeline_spec.root.input_definitions.parameters ] exit_task_task_spec = builder.build_task_spec_for_exit_task( task=exit_task, dependent_task=exit_handler_group_task_name, pipeline_inputs=pipeline_spec.root.input_definitions, ) exit_task_component_spec = builder.build_component_spec_for_exit_task( task=exit_task) exit_task_container_spec = builder.build_container_spec_for_task( task=exit_task) # Add exit task task spec pipeline_spec.root.dag.tasks[exit_task_name].CopyFrom( exit_task_task_spec) # Add exit task component spec if it does not exist. component_name = if component_name not in pipeline_spec.components: pipeline_spec.components[component_name].CopyFrom( exit_task_component_spec) # Add exit task container spec if it does not exist. executor_label = exit_task_component_spec.executor_label if executor_label not in deployment_config.executors: deployment_config.executors[ executor_label].container.CopyFrom( exit_task_container_spec) pipeline_spec.deployment_spec.update( json_format.MessageToDict(deployment_config)) return pipeline_spec def _get_all_groups( self, root_group: tasks_group.TasksGroup, ) -> List[tasks_group.TasksGroup]: """Gets all groups (not including tasks) in a pipeline. Args: root_group: The root group of a pipeline. Returns: A list of all groups in topological order (parent first). """ all_groups = [] def _get_all_groups_helper( group: tasks_group.TasksGroup, all_groups: List[tasks_group.TasksGroup], ): all_groups.append(group) for group in group.groups: _get_all_groups_helper(group, all_groups) _get_all_groups_helper(root_group, all_groups) return all_groups # TODO: do we really need this? def _get_condition_channels_for_tasks( self, root_group: tasks_group.TasksGroup, ) -> Mapping[str, Set[pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]]: """Gets channels referenced in conditions of tasks' parents. Args: root_group: The root group of a pipeline. Returns: A mapping of task name to a set of pipeline channels appeared in its parent dsl.Condition groups. """ conditions = collections.defaultdict(set) def _get_condition_channels_for_tasks_helper( group, current_conditions_channels, ): new_current_conditions_channels = current_conditions_channels if isinstance(group, dsl.Condition): new_current_conditions_channels = list( current_conditions_channels) if isinstance(group.condition.left_operand, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel): new_current_conditions_channels.append( group.condition.left_operand) if isinstance(group.condition.right_operand, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel): new_current_conditions_channels.append( group.condition.right_operand) for task in group.tasks: for channel in new_current_conditions_channels: conditions[].add(channel) for group in group.groups: _get_condition_channels_for_tasks_helper( group, new_current_conditions_channels) _get_condition_channels_for_tasks_helper(root_group, []) return conditions def _get_inputs_for_all_groups( self, pipeline: pipeline_context.Pipeline, pipeline_args: List[pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel], root_group: tasks_group.TasksGroup, task_name_to_parent_groups: Mapping[str, List[GroupOrTaskType]], group_name_to_parent_groups: Mapping[str, List[tasks_group.TasksGroup]], condition_channels: Mapping[ str, Set[pipeline_channel.PipelineParameterChannel]], name_to_for_loop_group: Mapping[str, dsl.ParallelFor], ) -> Mapping[str, List[Tuple[pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel, str]]]: """Get inputs and outputs of each group and op. Args: pipeline: The instantiated pipeline object. pipeline_args: The list of pipeline function arguments as PipelineChannel. root_group: The root group of the pipeline. task_name_to_parent_groups: The dict of task name to list of parent groups. group_name_to_parent_groups: The dict of group name to list of parent groups. condition_channels: The dict of task name to a set of pipeline channels referenced by its parent condition groups. name_to_for_loop_group: The dict of for loop group name to loop group. Returns: A mapping with key being the group/task names and values being list of tuples (channel, producing_task_name). producing_task_name is the name of the task that produces the channel. If the channel is a pipeline argument (no producer task), then producing_task_name is None. """ inputs = collections.defaultdict(set) for task in pipeline.tasks.values(): # task's inputs and all channels used in conditions for that task are # considered. task_condition_inputs = list(condition_channels[]) for channel in task.channel_inputs + task_condition_inputs: # If the value is already provided (immediate value), then no # need to expose it as input for its parent groups. if getattr(channel, 'value', None): continue # channels_to_add could be a list of PipelineChannels when loop # args are involved. Given a nested loops example as follows: # # def my_pipeline(loop_parameter: list): # with dsl.ParallelFor(loop_parameter) as item: # with dsl.ParallelFor(item.p_a) as item_p_a: # print_op(item_p_a.q_a) # # The print_op takes an input of # {{channel:task=;name=loop_parameter-loop-item-subvar-p_a-loop-item-subvar-q_a;}}. # Given this, we calculate the list of PipelineChannels potentially # needed by across DAG levels as follows: # # [{{channel:task=;name=loop_parameter-loop-item-subvar-p_a-loop-item-subvar-q_a}}, # {{channel:task=;name=loop_parameter-loop-item-subvar-p_a-loop-item}}, # {{channel:task=;name=loop_parameter-loop-item-subvar-p_a}}, # {{channel:task=;name=loop_parameter-loop-item}}, # {{chaenel:task=;name=loop_parameter}}] # # For the above example, the first loop needs the input of # {{channel:task=;name=loop_parameter}}, # the second loop needs the input of # {{channel:task=;name=loop_parameter-loop-item}} # and the print_op needs the input of # {{channel:task=;name=loop_parameter-loop-item-subvar-p_a-loop-item}} # # When we traverse a DAG in a top-down direction, we add channels # from the end, and pop it out when it's no longer needed by the # sub-DAG. # When we traverse a DAG in a bottom-up direction, we add # channels from the front, and pop it out when it's no longer # needed by the parent DAG. channels_to_add = collections.deque() channel_to_add = channel while isinstance(channel_to_add, ( for_loop.LoopArgument, for_loop.LoopArgumentVariable, )): channels_to_add.append(channel_to_add) if isinstance(channel_to_add, for_loop.LoopArgumentVariable): channel_to_add = channel_to_add.loop_argument else: channel_to_add = channel_to_add.items_or_pipeline_channel if isinstance(channel_to_add, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel): channels_to_add.append(channel_to_add) if channel.task_name: # The PipelineChannel is produced by a task. upstream_task = pipeline.tasks[channel.task_name] upstream_groups, downstream_groups = ( self._get_uncommon_ancestors( task_name_to_parent_groups=task_name_to_parent_groups, group_name_to_parent_groups=group_name_to_parent_groups, task1=upstream_task, task2=task, )) for i, group_name in enumerate(downstream_groups): if i == 0: # If it is the first uncommon downstream group, then # the input comes from the first uncommon upstream # group. producer_task = upstream_groups[0] else: # If not the first downstream group, then the input # is passed down from its ancestor groups so the # upstream group is None. producer_task = None inputs[group_name].add( (channels_to_add[-1], producer_task)) if group_name in name_to_for_loop_group: loop_group = name_to_for_loop_group[group_name] # Pop out the last elements from channels_to_add if it # is found in the current (loop) DAG. Downstreams # would only need the more specific versions for it. if channels_to_add[ -1].full_name in loop_group.loop_argument.full_name: channels_to_add.pop() if not channels_to_add: break else: # The PipelineChannel is not produced by a task. It's either # a top-level pipeline input, or a constant value to loop # items. # TODO: revisit if this is correct. if getattr(task, 'is_exit_handler', False): continue # For PipelineChannel as a result of constant value used as # loop items, we have to go from bottom-up because the # PipelineChannel can be originated from the middle a DAG, # which is not needed and visible to its parent DAG. if isinstance( channel, (for_loop.LoopArgument, for_loop.LoopArgumentVariable )) and channel.is_with_items_loop_argument: for group_name in task_name_to_parent_groups[][::-1]: inputs[group_name].add((channels_to_add[0], None)) if group_name in name_to_for_loop_group: # for example: # = 'loop-item-param-1' # = 'loop-item-param-1-subvar-a' loop_group = name_to_for_loop_group[group_name] if channels_to_add[ 0].full_name in loop_group.loop_argument.full_name: channels_to_add.popleft() if not channels_to_add: break else: # For PipelineChannel from pipeline input, go top-down # just like we do for PipelineChannel produced by a task. for group_name in task_name_to_parent_groups[]: inputs[group_name].add((channels_to_add[-1], None)) if group_name in name_to_for_loop_group: loop_group = name_to_for_loop_group[group_name] if channels_to_add[ -1].full_name in loop_group.loop_argument.full_name: channels_to_add.pop() if not channels_to_add: break return inputs def _get_uncommon_ancestors( self, task_name_to_parent_groups: Mapping[str, List[GroupOrTaskType]], group_name_to_parent_groups: Mapping[str, List[tasks_group.TasksGroup]], task1: GroupOrTaskType, task2: GroupOrTaskType, ) -> Tuple[List[GroupOrTaskType], List[GroupOrTaskType]]: """Gets the unique ancestors between two tasks. For example, task1's ancestor groups are [root, G1, G2, G3, task1], task2's ancestor groups are [root, G1, G4, task2], then it returns a tuple ([G2, G3, task1], [G4, task2]). Args: task_name_to_parent_groups: The dict of task name to list of parent groups. group_name_tor_parent_groups: The dict of group name to list of parent groups. task1: One of the two tasks. task2: The other task. Returns: A tuple which are lists of uncommon ancestors for each task. """ if in task_name_to_parent_groups: task1_groups = task_name_to_parent_groups[] elif in group_name_to_parent_groups: task1_groups = group_name_to_parent_groups[] else: raise ValueError( + ' does not exist.') if in task_name_to_parent_groups: task2_groups = task_name_to_parent_groups[] elif in group_name_to_parent_groups: task2_groups = group_name_to_parent_groups[] else: raise ValueError( + ' does not exist.') both_groups = [task1_groups, task2_groups] common_groups_len = sum( 1 for x in zip(*both_groups) if x == (x[0],) * len(x)) group1 = task1_groups[common_groups_len:] group2 = task2_groups[common_groups_len:] return (group1, group2) def _get_dependencies( self, pipeline: pipeline_context.Pipeline, root_group: tasks_group.TasksGroup, task_name_to_parent_groups: Mapping[str, List[GroupOrTaskType]], group_name_to_parent_groups: Mapping[str, List[tasks_group.TasksGroup]], group_name_to_group: Mapping[str, tasks_group.TasksGroup], condition_channels: Dict[str, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel], ) -> Mapping[str, List[GroupOrTaskType]]: """Gets dependent groups and tasks for all tasks and groups. Args: pipeline: The instantiated pipeline object. root_group: The root group of the pipeline. task_name_to_parent_groups: The dict of task name to list of parent groups. group_name_to_parent_groups: The dict of group name to list of parent groups. group_name_to_group: The dict of group name to group. condition_channels: The dict of task name to a set of pipeline channels referenced by its parent condition groups. Returns: A Mapping where key is group/task name, value is a list of dependent groups/tasks. The dependencies are calculated in the following way: if task2 depends on task1, and their ancestors are [root, G1, G2, task1] and [root, G1, G3, G4, task2], then G3 is dependent on G2. Basically dependency only exists in the first uncommon ancesters in their ancesters chain. Only sibling groups/tasks can have dependencies. Raises: RuntimeError: if a task depends on a task inside a condition or loop group. """ dependencies = collections.defaultdict(set) for task in pipeline.tasks.values(): upstream_task_names = set() task_condition_inputs = list(condition_channels[]) for channel in task.channel_inputs + task_condition_inputs: if channel.task_name: upstream_task_names.add(channel.task_name) upstream_task_names |= set(task.dependent_tasks) for upstream_task_name in upstream_task_names: # the dependent op could be either a BaseOp or an opsgroup if upstream_task_name in pipeline.tasks: upstream_task = pipeline.tasks[upstream_task_name] elif upstream_task_name in group_name_to_group: upstream_task = group_name_to_group[upstream_task_name] else: raise ValueError( f'Compiler cannot find task: {upstream_task_name}.') upstream_groups, downstream_groups = self._get_uncommon_ancestors( task_name_to_parent_groups=task_name_to_parent_groups, group_name_to_parent_groups=group_name_to_parent_groups, task1=upstream_task, task2=task, ) # If a task depends on a condition group or a loop group, it # must explicitly dependent on a task inside the group. This # should not be allowed, because it leads to ambiguous # expectations for runtime behaviors. dependent_group = group_name_to_group.get( upstream_groups[0], None) if isinstance(dependent_group, (tasks_group.Condition, tasks_group.ParallelFor)): raise RuntimeError( f'Task {} cannot dependent on any task inside' f' the group: {upstream_groups[0]}.') dependencies[downstream_groups[0]].add(upstream_groups[0]) return dependencies
def write_pipeline_spec_to_file(pipeline_spec: pipeline_spec_pb2.PipelineSpec, package_path: str) -> None: """Writes PipelienSpec into a YAML or JSON (deprecated) file. Args: pipeline_spec (pipeline_spec_pb2.PipelineSpec): The PipelineSpec. package_path (str): The path to which to write the PipelineSpec. """ json_dict = json_format.MessageToDict(pipeline_spec) if package_path.endswith('.json'): warnings.warn( ('Compiling to JSON is deprecated and will be ' 'removed in a future version. Please compile to a YAML file by ' 'providing a file path with a .yaml extension instead.'), category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) with open(package_path, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(json_dict, json_file, indent=2, sort_keys=True) elif package_path.endswith(('.yaml', '.yml')): with open(package_path, 'w') as yaml_file: yaml.dump(json_dict, yaml_file, sort_keys=True) else: raise ValueError( f'The output path {package_path} should end with ".yaml".')