Source code for kfp.containers._container_builder

# Copyright 2019 The Kubeflow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

__all__ = [

import logging
import tarfile
import tempfile
import os
import uuid

SERVICEACCOUNT_NAMESPACE = '/var/run/secrets/'
GCS_STAGING_BLOB_DEFAULT_PREFIX = 'kfp_container_build_staging'
GCR_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SUFFIX = 'kfp_container'

def _get_project_id():
    import requests
    URL = ""
    headers = {'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'}
    r = requests.get(url=URL, headers=headers)
    if not r.ok:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'ContainerBuilder failed to retrieve the project id.')
    return r.text

def _get_instance_id():
    import requests
    URL = ""
    headers = {'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'}
    r = requests.get(url=URL, headers=headers)
    if not r.ok:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'ContainerBuilder failed to retrieve the instance id.')
    return r.text

[docs]class ContainerBuilder(object): """ContainerBuilder helps build a container image.""" def __init__(self, gcs_staging=None, default_image_name=None, namespace=None, service_account='kubeflow-pipelines-container-builder', kaniko_executor_image=KANIKO_EXECUTOR_IMAGE_DEFAULT, k8s_client_configuration=None): """ Args: gcs_staging (str): GCS bucket/blob that can store temporary build files, default is gs://PROJECT_ID/kfp_container_build_staging. You have to specify this when it doesn't run in cluster. default_image_name (str): Target container image name that will be used by the build method if the target_image argument is not specified. namespace (str): Kubernetes namespace where the container builder pod is launched, default is the same namespace as the notebook service account in cluster or 'kubeflow' if not in cluster. If using the full Kubeflow deployment and not in cluster, you should specify your own user namespace. service_account (str): Kubernetes service account the pod uses for container building, The default value is "kubeflow-pipelines-container-builder". It works with Kubeflow Pipelines clusters installed using Google Cloud Marketplace or Standalone with version > 0.4.0. The service account should have permission to read and write from staging gcs path and upload built images to kaniko_executor_image (str): Docker image used to run kaniko executor. Defaults to k8s_client_configuration (kubernetes.Configuration): Kubernetes client configuration object to be used when talking with Kubernetes API. This is optional. If not specified, it will use the default configuration. This can be used to personalize the client used to talk to the Kubernetes server and change authentication parameters. """ self._gcs_staging = gcs_staging self._gcs_staging_checked = False self._default_image_name = default_image_name self._namespace = namespace self._service_account = service_account self._kaniko_image = kaniko_executor_image self._k8s_client_configuration = k8s_client_configuration def _get_namespace(self): if self._namespace is None: # Configure the namespace if os.path.exists(SERVICEACCOUNT_NAMESPACE): with open(SERVICEACCOUNT_NAMESPACE, 'r') as f: self._namespace = else: self._namespace = 'kubeflow' return self._namespace def _get_staging_location(self): if self._gcs_staging_checked: return self._gcs_staging # Configure the GCS staging bucket if self._gcs_staging is None: try: gcs_bucket = _get_project_id() except: raise ValueError( 'Cannot get the Google Cloud project ID, please specify the gcs_staging argument.' ) self._gcs_staging = 'gs://' + gcs_bucket + '/' + GCS_STAGING_BLOB_DEFAULT_PREFIX else: from pathlib import PurePath path = PurePath(self._gcs_staging).parts if len(path) < 2 or not path[0].startswith('gs'): raise ValueError('Error: {} should be a GCS path.'.format( self._gcs_staging)) gcs_bucket = path[1] from ._gcs_helper import GCSHelper GCSHelper.create_gcs_bucket_if_not_exist(gcs_bucket) self._gcs_staging_checked = True return self._gcs_staging def _get_default_image_name(self): if self._default_image_name is None: # KubeFlow Jupyter notebooks have environment variable with the notebook ID try: nb_id = os.environ.get('NB_PREFIX', _get_instance_id()) except: raise ValueError('Please provide the default_image_name.') nb_id = nb_id.replace('/', '-').strip('-') self._default_image_name = os.path.join('', _get_project_id(), nb_id, GCR_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SUFFIX) return self._default_image_name def _generate_kaniko_spec(self, context, docker_filename, target_image): """_generate_kaniko_yaml generates kaniko job yaml based on a template yaml.""" content = { 'apiVersion': 'v1', 'metadata': { 'generateName': 'kaniko-', 'namespace': self._get_namespace(), 'annotations': { '': 'false' }, }, 'kind': 'Pod', 'spec': { 'restartPolicy': 'Never', 'containers': [{ 'name': 'kaniko', 'args': [ '--cache=true', '--dockerfile=' + docker_filename, '--context=' + context, '--destination=' + target_image, '--digest-file=/dev/termination-log', # This is suggested by the Kaniko devs as a way to return the image digest from Kaniko Pod. See ], 'image': self._kaniko_image, }], 'serviceAccountName': self._service_account } } return content def _wrap_dir_in_tarball(self, tarball_path, dir_name): """_wrap_files_in_tarball creates a tarball for all the files in the directory.""" if not tarball_path.endswith('.tar.gz'): raise ValueError('the tarball path should end with .tar.gz') with, 'w:gz') as tarball: tarball.add(dir_name, arcname='')
[docs] def build(self, local_dir, docker_filename: str = 'Dockerfile', target_image=None, timeout=1000): """ Args: local_dir (str): local directory that stores all the necessary build files docker_filename (str): the path of the Dockerfile relative to the local_dir target_image (str): The container image name where the data will be pushed. Can include tag. If not specified, the function will use the default_image_name specified when creating ContainerBuilder. timeout (int): time out in seconds. Default: 1000 """ target_image = target_image or self._get_default_image_name() # Prepare build context with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as local_build_dir: from ._gcs_helper import GCSHelper'Generate build files.') local_tarball_path = os.path.join(local_build_dir, 'docker.tmp.tar.gz') self._wrap_dir_in_tarball(local_tarball_path, local_dir) # Upload to the context context = os.path.join(self._get_staging_location(), str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.tar.gz') GCSHelper.upload_gcs_file(local_tarball_path, context) # Run kaniko job kaniko_spec = self._generate_kaniko_spec( context=context, docker_filename=docker_filename, target_image=target_image)'Start a kaniko job for build.') from ._k8s_job_helper import K8sJobHelper k8s_helper = K8sJobHelper(self._k8s_client_configuration) result_pod_obj = k8s_helper.run_job(kaniko_spec, timeout)'Kaniko job complete.') # Clean up GCSHelper.remove_gcs_blob(context) # Returning image name with digest (image_repo, _, image_tag) = target_image.partition(':') # When Kaniko build completes successfully, the termination message is the hash digest of the newly built image. Otherwise it's empty. See termination_message = [ status.state.terminated.message for status in result_pod_obj.status.container_statuses if == 'kaniko' ][0] # Note: Using status.state instead of status.last_state since last_state entries can still be None image_digest = termination_message if not image_digest.startswith('sha256:'): raise RuntimeError( "Kaniko returned invalid image digest: {}".format( image_digest)) strict_image_name = image_repo + '@' + image_digest 'Built and pushed image: {}.'.format(strict_image_name)) return strict_image_name