Source code for kfp.components._structures

# Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

__all__ = [

from collections import OrderedDict

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union

from .modelbase import ModelBase

PrimitiveTypes = Union[str, int, float, bool]
PrimitiveTypesIncludingNone = Optional[PrimitiveTypes]

TypeSpecType = Union[str, Dict, List]

[docs]class InputSpec(ModelBase): """Describes the component input specification.""" def __init__( self, name: str, type: Optional[TypeSpecType] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, default: Optional[PrimitiveTypes] = None, optional: Optional[bool] = False, annotations: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class OutputSpec(ModelBase): """Describes the component output specification.""" def __init__( self, name: str, type: Optional[TypeSpecType] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class InputValuePlaceholder(ModelBase): #Non-standard attr names """Represents the command-line argument placeholder that will be replaced at run-time by the input argument value.""" _serialized_names = { 'input_name': 'inputValue', } def __init__( self, input_name: str, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class InputPathPlaceholder(ModelBase): #Non-standard attr names """Represents the command-line argument placeholder that will be replaced at run-time by a local file path pointing to a file containing the input argument value.""" _serialized_names = { 'input_name': 'inputPath', } def __init__( self, input_name: str, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class OutputPathPlaceholder(ModelBase): #Non-standard attr names """Represents the command-line argument placeholder that will be replaced at run-time by a local file path pointing to a file where the program should write its output data.""" _serialized_names = { 'output_name': 'outputPath', } def __init__( self, output_name: str, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class InputUriPlaceholder(ModelBase): # Non-standard attr names """Represents a placeholder for the URI of an input artifact. Represents the command-line argument placeholder that will be replaced at run-time by the URI of the input artifact argument. """ _serialized_names = { 'input_name': 'inputUri', } def __init__( self, input_name: str, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class OutputUriPlaceholder(ModelBase): # Non-standard attr names """Represents a placeholder for the URI of an output artifact. Represents the command-line argument placeholder that will be replaced at run-time by a URI of the output artifac where the program should write its output data. """ _serialized_names = { 'output_name': 'outputUri', } def __init__( self, output_name: str, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class InputMetadataPlaceholder(ModelBase): # Non-standard attr names """Represents the file path to an input artifact metadata. During runtime, this command-line argument placeholder will be replaced by the path where the metadata file associated with this artifact has been written to. Currently only supported in v2 components. """ _serialized_names = { 'input_name': 'inputMetadata', } def __init__(self, input_name: str): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class InputOutputPortNamePlaceholder(ModelBase): # Non-standard attr names """Represents the output port name of an input artifact. During compile time, this command-line argument placeholder will be replaced by the actual output port name used by the producer task. Currently only supported in v2 components. """ _serialized_names = { 'input_name': 'inputOutputPortName', } def __init__(self, input_name: str): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class OutputMetadataPlaceholder(ModelBase): # Non-standard attr names """Represents the output metadata JSON file location of this task. This file will encode the metadata information produced by this task: - Artifacts metadata, but not the content of the artifact, and - output parameters. Only supported in v2 components. """ _serialized_names = { 'output_metadata': 'outputMetadata', } def __init__(self, output_metadata: type(None) = None): if output_metadata: raise RuntimeError( 'Output metadata placeholder cannot be associated with key') super().__init__(locals())
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: # Override parent implementation. Otherwise it always returns {}. return {'outputMetadata': None}
[docs]class ExecutorInputPlaceholder(ModelBase): # Non-standard attr names """Represents the serialized ExecutorInput message at runtime. This placeholder will be replaced by a serialized [ExecutorInput]( proto message at runtime, which includes parameters of the task, artifact URIs and metadata. """ _serialized_names = { 'executor_input': 'executorInput', } def __init__(self, executor_input: type(None) = None): if executor_input: raise RuntimeError( 'Executor input placeholder cannot be associated with input key' '. Got %s' % executor_input) super().__init__(locals())
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: # Override parent implementation. Otherwise it always returns {}. return {'executorInput': None}
CommandlineArgumentType = Union[str, InputValuePlaceholder, InputPathPlaceholder, OutputPathPlaceholder, InputUriPlaceholder, OutputUriPlaceholder, InputMetadataPlaceholder, InputOutputPortNamePlaceholder, OutputMetadataPlaceholder, ExecutorInputPlaceholder, 'ConcatPlaceholder', 'IfPlaceholder',]
[docs]class ConcatPlaceholder(ModelBase): #Non-standard attr names """Represents the command-line argument placeholder that will be replaced at run-time by the concatenated values of its items.""" _serialized_names = { 'items': 'concat', } def __init__( self, items: List[CommandlineArgumentType], ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class IsPresentPlaceholder(ModelBase): #Non-standard attr names """Represents the command-line argument placeholder that will be replaced at run-time by a boolean value specifying whether the caller has passed an argument for the specified optional input.""" _serialized_names = { 'input_name': 'isPresent', } def __init__( self, input_name: str, ): super().__init__(locals())
IfConditionArgumentType = Union[bool, str, IsPresentPlaceholder, InputValuePlaceholder]
[docs]class IfPlaceholderStructure(ModelBase): #Non-standard attr names '''Used in by the IfPlaceholder - the command-line argument placeholder that will be replaced at run-time by the expanded value of either "then_value" or "else_value" depending on the submissio-time resolved value of the "cond" predicate.''' _serialized_names = { 'condition': 'cond', 'then_value': 'then', 'else_value': 'else', } def __init__( self, condition: IfConditionArgumentType, then_value: Union[CommandlineArgumentType, List[CommandlineArgumentType]], else_value: Optional[Union[CommandlineArgumentType, List[CommandlineArgumentType]]] = None, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class IfPlaceholder(ModelBase): #Non-standard attr names """Represents the command-line argument placeholder that will be replaced at run-time by the expanded value of either "then_value" or "else_value" depending on the submissio-time resolved value of the "cond" predicate.""" _serialized_names = { 'if_structure': 'if', } def __init__( self, if_structure: IfPlaceholderStructure, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class ContainerSpec(ModelBase): """Describes the container component implementation.""" _serialized_names = { 'file_outputs': 'fileOutputs', #TODO: rename to something like legacy_unconfigurable_output_paths } def __init__( self, image: str, command: Optional[List[CommandlineArgumentType]] = None, args: Optional[List[CommandlineArgumentType]] = None, env: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, file_outputs: Optional[Mapping[ str, str]] = None, #TODO: rename to something like legacy_unconfigurable_output_paths ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class ContainerImplementation(ModelBase): """Represents the container component implementation.""" def __init__( self, container: ContainerSpec, ): super().__init__(locals())
ImplementationType = Union[ContainerImplementation, 'GraphImplementation'] class MetadataSpec(ModelBase): def __init__( self, annotations: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class ComponentSpec(ModelBase): """Component specification. Describes the metadata (name, description, annotations and labels), the interface (inputs and outputs) and the implementation of the component. """ def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, #? Move to metadata? description: Optional[str] = None, #? Move to metadata? metadata: Optional[MetadataSpec] = None, inputs: Optional[List[InputSpec]] = None, outputs: Optional[List[OutputSpec]] = None, implementation: Optional[ImplementationType] = None, version: Optional[str] = '', #tags: Optional[Set[str]] = None, ): super().__init__(locals()) self._post_init() def _post_init(self): #Checking input names for uniqueness self._inputs_dict = {} if self.inputs: for input in self.inputs: if in self._inputs_dict: raise ValueError('Non-unique input name "{}"'.format( self._inputs_dict[] = input #Checking output names for uniqueness self._outputs_dict = {} if self.outputs: for output in self.outputs: if in self._outputs_dict: raise ValueError('Non-unique output name "{}"'.format( self._outputs_dict[] = output if isinstance(self.implementation, ContainerImplementation): container = self.implementation.container if container.file_outputs: for output_name, path in container.file_outputs.items(): if output_name not in self._outputs_dict: raise TypeError( 'Unconfigurable output entry "{}" references non-existing output.' .format({output_name: path})) def verify_arg(arg): if arg is None: pass elif isinstance( arg, (str, int, float, bool, OutputMetadataPlaceholder, ExecutorInputPlaceholder)): pass elif isinstance(arg, list): for arg2 in arg: verify_arg(arg2) elif isinstance( arg, (InputUriPlaceholder, InputValuePlaceholder, InputPathPlaceholder, IsPresentPlaceholder, InputMetadataPlaceholder, InputOutputPortNamePlaceholder)): if arg.input_name not in self._inputs_dict: raise TypeError( 'Argument "{}" references non-existing input.' .format(arg)) elif isinstance(arg, (OutputUriPlaceholder, OutputPathPlaceholder)): if arg.output_name not in self._outputs_dict: raise TypeError( 'Argument "{}" references non-existing output.' .format(arg)) elif isinstance(arg, ConcatPlaceholder): for arg2 in arg.items: verify_arg(arg2) elif isinstance(arg, IfPlaceholder): verify_arg(arg.if_structure.condition) verify_arg(arg.if_structure.then_value) verify_arg(arg.if_structure.else_value) else: raise TypeError('Unexpected argument "{}"'.format(arg)) verify_arg(container.command) verify_arg(container.args) if isinstance(self.implementation, GraphImplementation): graph = self.implementation.graph if graph.output_values is not None: for output_name, argument in graph.output_values.items(): if output_name not in self._outputs_dict: raise TypeError( 'Graph output argument entry "{}" references non-existing output.' .format({output_name: argument})) if graph.tasks is not None: for task in graph.tasks.values(): if task.arguments is not None: for argument in task.arguments.values(): if isinstance( argument, GraphInputArgument ) and argument.graph_input.input_name not in self._inputs_dict: raise TypeError( 'Argument "{}" references non-existing input.' .format(argument))
[docs] def save(self, file_path: str): """Saves the component definition to file. It can be shared online and later loaded using the load_component function. """ from ._yaml_utils import dump_yaml component_yaml = dump_yaml(self.to_dict()) with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(component_yaml)
[docs]class ComponentReference(ModelBase): """Component reference. Contains information that can be used to locate and load a component by name, digest or URL """ def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, digest: Optional[str] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, spec: Optional[ComponentSpec] = None, ): super().__init__(locals()) self._post_init() def _post_init(self) -> None: if not any([, self.digest, self.tag, self.url, self.spec]): raise TypeError('Need at least one argument.')
[docs]class GraphInputReference(ModelBase): """References the input of the graph (the scope is a single graph).""" _serialized_names = { 'input_name': 'inputName', } def __init__( self, input_name: str, type: Optional[ TypeSpecType] = None, # Can be used to override the reference data type ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs] def as_argument(self) -> 'GraphInputArgument': return GraphInputArgument(graph_input=self)
[docs] def with_type(self, type_spec: TypeSpecType) -> 'GraphInputReference': return GraphInputReference( input_name=self.input_name, type=type_spec, )
[docs] def without_type(self) -> 'GraphInputReference': return self.with_type(None)
[docs]class GraphInputArgument(ModelBase): """Represents the component argument value that comes from the graph component input.""" _serialized_names = { 'graph_input': 'graphInput', } def __init__( self, graph_input: GraphInputReference, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class TaskOutputReference(ModelBase): """References the output of some task (the scope is a single graph).""" _serialized_names = { 'task_id': 'taskId', 'output_name': 'outputName', } def __init__( self, output_name: str, task_id: Optional[ str] = None, # Used for linking to the upstream task in serialized component file. task: Optional[ 'TaskSpec'] = None, # Used for linking to the upstream task in runtime since Task does not have an ID until inserted into a graph. type: Optional[ TypeSpecType] = None, # Can be used to override the reference data type ): super().__init__(locals()) if self.task_id is None and self.task is None: raise TypeError('task_id and task cannot be None at the same time.')
[docs] def with_type(self, type_spec: TypeSpecType) -> 'TaskOutputReference': return TaskOutputReference( output_name=self.output_name, task_id=self.task_id, task=self.task, type=type_spec, )
[docs] def without_type(self) -> 'TaskOutputReference': return self.with_type(None)
[docs]class TaskOutputArgument(ModelBase ): #Has additional constructor for convenience """Represents the component argument value that comes from the output of another task.""" _serialized_names = { 'task_output': 'taskOutput', } def __init__( self, task_output: TaskOutputReference, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs] @staticmethod def construct( task_id: str, output_name: str, ) -> 'TaskOutputArgument': return TaskOutputArgument( TaskOutputReference( task_id=task_id, output_name=output_name, ))
[docs] def with_type(self, type_spec: TypeSpecType) -> 'TaskOutputArgument': return TaskOutputArgument( task_output=self.task_output.with_type(type_spec),)
[docs] def without_type(self) -> 'TaskOutputArgument': return self.with_type(None)
ArgumentType = Union[PrimitiveTypes, GraphInputArgument, TaskOutputArgument] class TwoOperands(ModelBase): def __init__( self, op1: ArgumentType, op2: ArgumentType, ): super().__init__(locals()) class BinaryPredicate(ModelBase): #abstract base type def __init__(self, operands: TwoOperands): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class EqualsPredicate(BinaryPredicate): """Represents the "equals" comparison predicate.""" _serialized_names = {'operands': '=='}
[docs]class NotEqualsPredicate(BinaryPredicate): """Represents the "not equals" comparison predicate.""" _serialized_names = {'operands': '!='}
[docs]class GreaterThanPredicate(BinaryPredicate): """Represents the "greater than" comparison predicate.""" _serialized_names = {'operands': '>'}
[docs]class GreaterThanOrEqualPredicate(BinaryPredicate): """Represents the "greater than or equal" comparison predicate.""" _serialized_names = {'operands': '>='}
[docs]class LessThenPredicate(BinaryPredicate): """Represents the "less than" comparison predicate.""" _serialized_names = {'operands': '<'}
[docs]class LessThenOrEqualPredicate(BinaryPredicate): """Represents the "less than or equal" comparison predicate.""" _serialized_names = {'operands': '<='}
PredicateType = Union[ArgumentType, EqualsPredicate, NotEqualsPredicate, GreaterThanPredicate, GreaterThanOrEqualPredicate, LessThenPredicate, LessThenOrEqualPredicate, 'NotPredicate', 'AndPredicate', 'OrPredicate',] class TwoBooleanOperands(ModelBase): def __init__( self, op1: PredicateType, op2: PredicateType, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class NotPredicate(ModelBase): """Represents the "not" logical operation.""" _serialized_names = {'operand': 'not'} def __init__(self, operand: PredicateType): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class AndPredicate(ModelBase): """Represents the "and" logical operation.""" _serialized_names = {'operands': 'and'} def __init__(self, operands: TwoBooleanOperands): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class OrPredicate(ModelBase): """Represents the "or" logical operation.""" _serialized_names = {'operands': 'or'} def __init__(self, operands: TwoBooleanOperands): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class RetryStrategySpec(ModelBase): _serialized_names = { 'max_retries': 'maxRetries', } def __init__( self, max_retries: int, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class CachingStrategySpec(ModelBase): _serialized_names = { 'max_cache_staleness': 'maxCacheStaleness', } def __init__( self, max_cache_staleness: Optional[ str] = None, # RFC3339 compliant duration: P30DT1H22M3S ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class ExecutionOptionsSpec(ModelBase): _serialized_names = { 'retry_strategy': 'retryStrategy', 'caching_strategy': 'cachingStrategy', } def __init__( self, retry_strategy: Optional[RetryStrategySpec] = None, caching_strategy: Optional[CachingStrategySpec] = None, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class TaskSpec(ModelBase): """Task specification. Task is a "configured" component - a component supplied with arguments and other applied configuration changes. """ _serialized_names = { 'component_ref': 'componentRef', 'is_enabled': 'isEnabled', 'execution_options': 'executionOptions' } def __init__( self, component_ref: ComponentReference, arguments: Optional[Mapping[str, ArgumentType]] = None, is_enabled: Optional[PredicateType] = None, execution_options: Optional[ExecutionOptionsSpec] = None, annotations: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): super().__init__(locals()) #TODO: If component_ref is resolved to component spec, then check that the arguments correspond to the inputs def _init_outputs(self): #Adding output references to the task if self.component_ref.spec is None: return task_outputs = OrderedDict() for output in self.component_ref.spec.outputs or []: task_output_ref = TaskOutputReference(, task=self, type=output. type, # TODO: Resolve type expressions. E.g. type: {TypeOf: Input 1} ) task_output_arg = TaskOutputArgument(task_output=task_output_ref) task_outputs[] = task_output_arg self.outputs = task_outputs if len(task_outputs) == 1: self.output = list(task_outputs.values())[0]
[docs]class GraphSpec(ModelBase): """Describes the graph component implementation. It represents a graph of component tasks connected to the upstream sources of data using the argument specifications. It also describes the sources of graph output values. """ _serialized_names = { 'output_values': 'outputValues', } def __init__( self, tasks: Mapping[str, TaskSpec], output_values: Mapping[str, ArgumentType] = None, ): super().__init__(locals()) self._post_init() def _post_init(self): #Checking task output references and preparing the dependency table task_dependencies = {} for task_id, task in self.tasks.items(): dependencies = set() task_dependencies[task_id] = dependencies if task.arguments is not None: for argument in task.arguments.values(): if isinstance(argument, TaskOutputArgument): dependencies.add(argument.task_output.task_id) if argument.task_output.task_id not in self.tasks: raise TypeError( 'Argument "{}" references non-existing task.' .format(argument)) #Topologically sorting tasks to detect cycles task_dependents = {k: set() for k in task_dependencies.keys()} for task_id, dependencies in task_dependencies.items(): for dependency in dependencies: task_dependents[dependency].add(task_id) task_number_of_remaining_dependencies = { k: len(v) for k, v in task_dependencies.items() } sorted_tasks = OrderedDict() def process_task(task_id): if task_number_of_remaining_dependencies[ task_id] == 0 and task_id not in sorted_tasks: sorted_tasks[task_id] = self.tasks[task_id] for dependent_task in task_dependents[task_id]: task_number_of_remaining_dependencies[ dependent_task] = task_number_of_remaining_dependencies[ dependent_task] - 1 process_task(dependent_task) for task_id in task_dependencies.keys(): process_task(task_id) if len(sorted_tasks) != len(task_dependencies): tasks_with_unsatisfied_dependencies = { k: v for k, v in task_number_of_remaining_dependencies.items() if v > 0 } task_wth_minimal_number_of_unsatisfied_dependencies = min( tasks_with_unsatisfied_dependencies.keys(), key=lambda task_id: tasks_with_unsatisfied_dependencies[task_id] ) raise ValueError('Task "{}" has cyclical dependency.'.format( task_wth_minimal_number_of_unsatisfied_dependencies)) self._toposorted_tasks = sorted_tasks
[docs]class GraphImplementation(ModelBase): """Represents the graph component implementation.""" def __init__( self, graph: GraphSpec, ): super().__init__(locals())
[docs]class PipelineRunSpec(ModelBase): """The object that can be sent to the backend to start a new Run.""" _serialized_names = { 'root_task': 'rootTask', #'on_exit_task': 'onExitTask', } def __init__( self, root_task: TaskSpec, #on_exit_task: Optional[TaskSpec] = None, ): super().__init__(locals())